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Posts Tagged ‘CAST IP’

Warren Savage: Grand Challenges in IP

Thursday, June 1st, 2017


This is the third in a four-part series showcasing Grand Challenges in IP
. The first two conversations were with Sonics CEO Grant Pierce, and CAST Board Chair Hal Barbour.

This week’s dialog is with Warren Savage, founder and CEO of IPextreme. The company was purchased by Silvaco in 2016, where Savage now serves as GM of the IP division.

Warren Savage has been an energetic leader in the IP community, working to get companies in the industry to link arms, address common concerns, and give greater visibility to the importance of their products in the global semiconductor supply chain.

When we spoke on May 24th, Savage began by addressing my question about protection for IP blocks as they move down the manufacturing chain


Hal Barbour: 8 Grand Challenges in IP

Thursday, May 25th, 2017


This conversation with Hal Barbour,
Chairman at CAST IP, is the second of four dialogs about Grand Challenges in IP.

The first installment in the series, published last week, was a conversation with Sonics co-Founder and CEO Grant Pierce.

Pierce argues that today’s Grand Challenges in IP center around the complexities of delivering sub-systems and related technical expertise to customers, helping develop edge-node devices targeted at Machine Learning, and providing IP for myriad automotive systems – all while meeting demands for greater bandwidth and throughput, and astonishingly low power.

In this week’s installment in the series, Hal Barbour talks about a completely different set of Grand Challenges in IP – those related to the business issues surrounding the industry.


Reaction to ARM’s Deal: W.Savage, D.Kelf, H.Barbour

Thursday, July 21st, 2016


Who better qualified to post reactions to this week’s astonishing news
out of Tokyo and Cambridge – SoftBank is buying ARM in an all-cash deal for 24.3 billion British pounds – than the leaders of two highly regarded IP companies and an articulate Brit with total street cred in EDA.


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