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Posts Tagged ‘DVCon’

Mac on DAC: IP is critical, and so is everything else

Thursday, May 12th, 2016


IP will be well represented at DAC
 according to Adapt IP Michael “Mac” McNamara, and he should know. He’s helped build the IP Track at the show and is concerned that everyone understand the IP-related content in Austin this year will be deep and wide.

Mac and I spoke by phone recently. He’d read a blog a posted here in April expressing skepticism about IP coverage at DAC. Therein, I suggested the content set for Austin in June was inadequate, given the important role IP plays in chip design today.

A thoughtful McNamara wanted to respond to this critique; he wanted to evangelize for the quality of the content at DAC – particularly as he is Vice Chair of the conference this year and will be General Chair in 2017. [Cadence’s Chuck Alpert is General Chair here in 2016.]


Emulation: DVCon invites Rizzatti to Expound

Thursday, February 18th, 2016


The folks at DVCon have done a brilliant thing.
They’ve invited Lauro Rizzatti to present at their upcoming conference on a topic that Rizzatti knows better than anybody, emulation. Last year alone, he wrote 40 articles on the subject.

More importantly, of course, Rizzatti helped guide EVE, the high-flying European EDA company that led the field in emulation from their base in France before being acquired by Synopsys in 2012. I spoke with Rizzatti this week about emulation, his talk at DVCon, and his recent endeavors writing about a technology that’s taking the world of verification by storm.

He started by establishing the importance of emulation today: “This technology is here to stay. It’s been around for 30 years, and [historically] was something only the big companies could afford to buy and use. They needed an army of engineers. Today it’s no longer a niche technology, however; it’s mainstream.”


DVCon/SNUG: The Old, Old Story of Design by Committee

Tuesday, March 24th, 2015


We’re only gifted with so many hours of life here on earth, so why would anyone waste them listening to the same lengthy keynote twice in one month? That was the thought that raced through my mind when Synopsys’ Aart de Geus stepped up onto the stage in front of 500+ SNUG attendees at the Santa Clara Convention Center yesterday morning and clicked on his title foil.

“Shift Left,” it said.

“Oh no,” I said. For pity’s sake, this was the exact same talk co-CEO de Geus offered up less than three weeks ago on March 3rd at DVCon in San Jose. I looked around for the nearest exit.

Then, cooler heads prevailed. Mine.

Wait a minute, I said. Three weeks ago I sat in the back of a ballroom at the DoubleTree, listening over the heads of 350 people at DVCon, and typed everything the good doctor said into my tablet, verbatim. I’ve already done the heavy lifting here, I thought. I’ve got his script on my tablet, I’ve seen the slides, and I’ve heard the jokes.

Does Synopsys believe an entirely different audience attends DVCon than that which attends SNUG? Why else would they present the exact same talk at the two venues? Perhaps no one at SNUG actually does verification? Why not compare the SNUG talk to the one at DVCon?

So, with that much entertainment guaranteed I sat back and enjoyed the show.


DVCon: IP now part of the calculus

Wednesday, January 28th, 2015


DVCon is coming up in early March in San Jose and if you’re into IP, you should be there. That was the surprising take-away I stumbled upon this week while interviewing DVCon General Chair Yatin Trivedi and Technical Program Chair Ambar Sarkar. As many of you know, Yatin is Director of Standards and Interoperability Programs at Synopsys and Ambar is Chief Verification Technologist at Paradigm Works, both men throwing long shadows in the deeply technical world of design and verification.

Our interview was taped on the sound stage in the glam new Synopsys building on Middlefield in Mountain View. Yatin works in the just-opened building, but Ambar flew in from his offices in Andover, Massachusetts, for our chat and was lucky enough to get out of Boston before Juno blew in and shut down all flights out of New England.

The three of us sat on director chairs on Monday morning and chatted on film for well over 30 minutes. Pretty darn fun, but also pretty darn informative. Who knew that Yatin and Ambar were so interested in IP, and we’re not just talking here about Verification IP. When I mentioned I’d seen that IP was one of the topic areas set to be showcased at the upcoming DVCon in March, Yatin launched into an enthusiastic endorsement of all things IP.


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