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Posts Tagged ‘Hans Bouwmeester’

REUSE 2016: Glamor Touches IP, at last

Thursday, November 3rd, 2016


Check out the link to know
that the upcoming conference, REUSE 2016, will be something to behold. Slated for Thursday, December 1st, at the Computer History Museum, the event website is glamorous and the promise of the show profound:

“REUSE 2016 is the first of an annual conference and trade show to bring together the semiconductor IP supply chain and its customers for a full day of everything to do with semiconductor IP. Hosted in the heart of Silicon Valley at the world-famous Computer History Museum, there could not be a more appropriate venue for a day focused on the hottest segment of the semiconductor industry.”


IP @ DAC: a session a day keeps the doctor away

Thursday, April 4th, 2013


Despite grumbling to the contrary, even some that I myself put forth in a blog earlier this year, there will indeed be a daily dose of IP information doled out at DAC in Austin in June. If you’re interested in IP, DAC 2013 actually promises to be quite informative. You can arrange your schedule so as to attend a single significant session each day devoted to various aspects of IP with all of its promise and particulars.

Here’s your DAC planning guide …


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