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Posts Tagged ‘Geoff Tate’

Flex Logic & TSMC: embedded FPGA cores on 16nm FinFETs

Wednesday, December 14th, 2016


Flex Logic announced some astonishing news this week
– the completed design of a “high-performance IP core for TSMC 16FF+ and 16FFC, with performance for wide, single-stage logic around ~1GHz at worst case PVT conditions.”

In a phone call to discuss the announcement, Flex Logic CEO and Co-founder Geoff Tate was clearly ebullient: “Last August we were talking about TSMC’s 40-nanometer ULP, ultra low power, and now this week we’re talking about the first 16-nanometer finFET plus.

“This one, our EFLX 100, is like the one we announced at 40 nanometers – but at 16 nanometers it will run much faster!

“We’ve done extensive measurements [to confirm] for many applications that these cores will run at 1GHz or faster, even in worst-case temperature conditions.”


The Tate Effect: Confidence in Flex Logix Team & Technology

Thursday, September 22nd, 2016


Geoff Tate, founding CEO at Rambus, is busy – again.
 These days he’s leading the charge with a new FPGA-based enterprise that, per Tate, wants to be “the first to the party” – a party that’s all about providing FGPA-based IP to a market increasingly in need of these products.

When Tate and I spoke by phone recently, he offered the Flex Logix elevator pitch, and then focused on the company’s August press release.

“We are like the ARM of FPGA,” Tate said, and then laughed. “No, we are not expecting to be acquired by SoftBank anytime soon.”

“However, ARM was the first to successfully embed processors,” he said, “and at Flex Logic we are [doing that] with FPGAs.”


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