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IP-SoC 2017 – Headliners include de Geus, Saxby

Thursday, November 16th, 2017


Dr. Gabriel Saucier has a lot to be proud of
. The Grenoble-based organization she founded, Design and Reuse, is celebrating the 20th anniversary of its flagship conference: IP-SoC.

To celebrate, IP-SoC 2017 is showcasing two of the biggest names in the IP industry – Synopsys CEO Dr. Aart de Geus and ARM founder Sir Robin Saxby. That’s pretty news worthy and a distinct reflection of the significant role Design and Reuse has played for more than two decades in promoting the wide-spread development and reuse of semiconductor IP.

Of course, it’s also worth noting that de Geus and Saxby will not be the only speakers with deep expertise in the technology.


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