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Posts Tagged ‘European Union’

ARM: A Gnawing Sense of Unease

Wednesday, July 12th, 2017


It’s been a year since two cataclysmic news bits hit the wires
, the two stories not unrelated.

The UK decided to Brexit the EU on 23 June 2016, and ARM announced it had been sold to Tokyo-based SoftBank three weeks later, on 18 July 2016. For some, these developments would have been unthinkable up to the moment they unfolded, but now they’re both a reality.

Article 50 was triggered by the British PM on 29 March 2017, and the UK will no longer be in the EU as of March 2019.

ARM is no longer publicly traded, and although it was once the crown jewel of Britain’s technical portfolio, it is now a wholly owned Japanese enterprise. Or at least it was, until 7 March 2017 when SoftBank announced an even more astonishing bit of news.


SmartFlow: The Importance of Export Compliance

Thursday, June 22nd, 2017


Below is a contributed op-ed piece
from SmartFlow Compliance Solutions CEO Ted Miracco, and company AE Akshay Dhule.

I last spoke with Miracco in November 2015 when the company launched, offering tools and strategies to software companies who have lost product to theft and piracy. At the time, Synopsys was dealing with a publicly-acknowledged system breach, so that conversation with SmartFlow was particularly pertinent.

This current piece, however, is about export compliance, a topic also of intense interest to the EDA industry.

Cadence’s Larry Disenhof is the industry’s subject expert in this area. Having heard him speak numerous times, although the piece below ends with a plug for SmartFlow, Disenhoff would undoubtedly agree with an articulate reminder that export compliance is neither optional nor for the faint of heart.

The message is clear: If you’re running a software company, ignore these issues at your own peril.


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