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 IP Showcase
Peggy Aycinena
Peggy Aycinena
Peggy Aycinena is a contributing editor for EDACafe.Com

IP @ DAC: Parties, Stuff & Bother

May 22nd, 2014 by Peggy Aycinena

It’s just amazing that DAC has become so thoroughly a show about IP that there are two major parties happening in San Francisco in June that have IP in their name: HOT IP Party and Stars of IP Party.

DAC’s Hottest IP Party is on Monday night, hosted by Jim Hogan, and will be a fund-raiser passing itself off as a conference shindig complete with drinks, food, loud music, and impossible-to-hear conversation. In other words, a chance to see and been seen at DAC by the cool people who work in IP.

This party’s happening 7:30 pm to 12:30 pm on June 2nd at Slim’s, a live music venue in The City, and requires a minimum $50 donation to SFCASA, which stands for San Francisco Court Appointed Special Advocates who care for children who’ve been abused or neglected.

If your cardiologist hasn’t forbidden noise, spirits, pizza or red meat, you should get a ticket:

Then there’s the Stars of IP Party on Tuesday night, hosted by companies in Warren Savage’s IPextreme Constellations ecosystem including AdaptIP, ARM, Atrenta, CAST, Certus, Dassault Systemes, Rambus, Semico, Sonics, Synopsys, TrueCircuits, and TSMC.

This party will also offer drinks, food, loud music, animated conversations, and a chance to see and been seen at DAC by the cool people who work in IP. This year, however, the Stars of IP Party’s going to be extra special, because it’s all wrapped up with the naughty good fun of prohibition-era speakeasy’s.

So put on your zoot suit, white tie and spats; Warren & The Gang will be waiting for you, puttin’ on the Ritz with boatloads of wine & beer, cheese & veggies – not to mention ‘cable car tours’ of The City – in the Hearst Building on Market Street from 8:00 pm to 1:00 pm on June 3rd.

You’ll need to let them know you’re coming, of course, so send a note to and see if there’s still room.

By the way, if you’re so dull you’re not attending either of these IP parties at DAC, there’s always the tried & true Denali Party, passing itself off for some years now as the Cadence Party. You could always go to that. After all, Cadence is in the IP business big time these days, so surely somebody who’s cool and works in IP will be at that party, seeing and being seen.

The Denali Party’s also on Tuesday, June 3rd. Contact Cadence and tell them you’ll be at their booth by noon on that day to pick up your wrist band.


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