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DOCEA Power: What’s the scoop?

Wednesday, August 19th, 2015


When it comes to Docea Power, there’s no scoop.
There’s no news at all. Except of course that they’ve been bought by Intel, which in itself is pretty big news for any company. Except apparently Docea. There was/is no press release and was/is no access to details on the deal. Nothing.

There is proof, however, that the acquisition took place. Right on the front of the Docea website. But that’s it.

Having interviewed the brothers who founded Docea, Ghislain and Sylvain Kaiser, multiple times over the years – at DATE in Europe and at various conferences here in the U.S. — I certainly hoped to know more, and I tried. But their people — the ones who reached out to journalists in June asking for meetings with the company at DAC, back when Docea still existed — were candid: “There is no press release available. And there will be no talk with Docea founders”

And that’s it. Except for this …

Lucky Intel!


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