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Peggy Aycinena
Peggy Aycinena
Peggy Aycinena is a contributing editor for EDACafe.Com

EDAC CEO Panel: Does ARM control the conversation?

February 28th, 2013 by Peggy Aycinena

If you’re free on the evening of Thursday, March 14th, you should plan on attending EDAC’s annual CEO Forecast Panel. It promises to be full of executive content, albeit perhaps a bit light on forecast content, but oh well. That’s the nature of life in the Publicly Traded Fast Lane these days.

Along with the CEOs of Mentor Graphics, Cadence, Synopsys, and Nimbic, the president of ARM will also be on stage, Simon Segars. Segars is no stranger to public speaking. You can hear his recent ARM TechCon 2012 keynote here. But it’s not what Segars will say on stage at the DoubleTree Hotel in San Jose on March 14th that matters. It’s his body language, and you’ll only be able to read that if you’re in the room.

Because let’s be honest. Here in the second decade of the New Millennium, life in the SOC Fast Lane is all about IP: Big IP. Little IP. VIP. IP specification. IP validation. IP integration. IP verification in situ. IP as block. IP as platform. IP as system. In other words, life today is all about IP, and nobody contemplates IP without contemplating ARM. Just like nobody contemplates the tax code without contemplating H&R Block. ARM and H&R Block have that much influence.

It’s true, there are hundreds of IP companies, but you’d be in denial if you ignored the reality of today. Today IP is all about ARM, at least from the standpoint of the Big Guys in EDA. They need ARM on their team, because ARM is the team. Period.

So now’s your chance. In a much more personal [read “smaller, fewer people”] venue than ARM TechCon or any other mega conference where Segars appears, at the EDAC CEO Panel you’ll be able to listen to EDA Inc. talk about EDA and IP and you’ll be able to listen to ARM Ltd. talk about EDA and IP.

But more importantly, you’ll be able to watch EDA Inc. and ARM Ltd. together on stage. The body language about who’s deferring to who in that conversation will tell you everything you need to know about everything. Here in the Fast Lane.


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