Solutions are what users need and the existence of a standard gives them the assurance that models they create will be portable between tools. Put another way, the standard creates a level playing field on which vendors can create tools that provide solutions. (more…)

Posts Tagged ‘early adopter release’
Solution = Standard + Tool
Thursday, November 30th, 2017Time To Be Heard
Monday, October 2nd, 2017Accellera has just extended the review period for the Portable Stimulus Standard. The committee is now seeking comments up until the end of October. Breker would like to join the committee and say how important it is for users to get involved with this standard. While we, as vendors, have some experience in this area, we are not doing this day in and day out. We need your guidance and feedback.
Breker applauds Mark Glasser, principal engineer for NVIDIA, for being a user who is spending the time and effort to understand the emerging Portable Stimulus Standard (PSS). The points he raised in his recent blog are shared by a number of other users in the industry. His passion comes from the fact that he sees the potential of the work that is being undertaken and the impact that it could have on the verification community and the entire system development flow.
Users are, by definition, those in the trenches experiencing the problems and trying to find solutions. Within that community, there are only a few that can see beyond the current design and can look towards the future. Of those, only a precious few can help to influence the direction of the future. If you are one of those, then we ask you to get involved. Sitting on a standards committee can be tough and often dirty work, but there is no better way to guide the future direction of the industry.
We share Mark’s feelings that we should leverage the extensive expertise that exists in the language design community. It has taken many hundreds of man years of effort to get C++ to where it is today and we have seen, during our interactions with users, the power and flexibility that C++ provides to this problem.