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Peggy Aycinena
Peggy Aycinena
Peggy Aycinena is a contributing editor for EDACafe.Com

Conversations: The Pulse of the Ecosystem

August 31st, 2017 by Peggy Aycinena

Between now and the end of 2017
, it’s my hope to speak to every company currently a member of the ESD Alliance. These companies vary in size, interests, product offerings, and leadership outlooks. The one thing they share, however, is a sense that together they enhance the ecosystem within which electronic systems are designed.

Over the last several months, I’ve had the opportunity to speak with several companies in the ecosystem about Grand Challenges in IP and EDA – Sonics, CAST, Silvaco, Synopsys, Adapt-IP, and Mentor Graphics.

Now the plan is to speak with companies that are specifically members of the ESD Alliance with the following questions in mind:

* How are things going with the company?
* Any recent releases?
* Specific trends and road maps in the company’s technology?
* Is the company hiring – and if so, who?
* Why belong to a consortium such as the ESD Alliance?

These conversations are not about promoting the agenda or the viability of the ESD Alliance. They are instead a way to converse, one-on-one, with companies who contribute to the IP, EDA, and embedded industries, and better understand what they feel to be the current state of the art in their technologies.

Hopefully, these conversations will also explain how competitors, or even companies who have no technology overlap, feel they are more likely to succeed by acting in unison, rather than by going it alone. Along the way, it may turn out that this acting-in-unison thing is an illusion, that these companies are actually “all alone in this together”.  It will be interesting to find out.

Thank you for contributing to these conversations if you are an ESD Alliance member company. I look forward to speaking with you.

The series kicks off this week with an in-depth interview with Solido Design Automation Co-founder Amit Gupta.


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