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Posts Tagged ‘Janick Bergeron’

D&VCon: A labor of love for Krolikoski & Co.

Thursday, February 13th, 2014


If ever there was a year when you thought to attend DVCon, this should be it, according to a recent phone call with Cadence Fellow Stan Krolikoski, serving as General Chair for the second year in a row. That’s because DVCon 2014 will be serving up the D and the V in equal measure, and won’t be skewed towards the V in DVCon as it has been [perhaps] in the past.

Per Stan, “We’ve gotten feedback every year from attendees that they want more emphasis on design. They say they like verification, but they want more design, so last year I gave marching orders to the Technical Program Committee [headed by Paradigm Works’ Ambar Sarkar] that they should add more people on the review committee who represent design.

“It’s actually been a long time in coming. Although last year was the 25th anniversary of the conference, 10 years ago the name was changed to DVCon. Prior to that, it was HDLCon and the content reflected that name. When the name was changed to DVCon it was supposed to include both design and verification, but [functional verification emerged as the larger focus].”

That focus meant that those types of experts tended to dominate attendance, according to Stan, but that’s been fixed this year: “We will still have excellent functional verification sessions at DVCon – everything for the beginner through to the guru, it’s all there – but we will also have sessions on low-power design, on analog/mixed signal, and on system-level design, as well as IP integration. We’re clearly moving away from just verification in adding lots of design content to the program that’s of interest to our audience.”


Homework assignment: Synopsys Discovery VIP

Tuesday, February 28th, 2012


Your assignment, should you choose to accept it, is to understand the new VIP product suite out of Synopsys. That’s really not too hard – the press releases, FAQs, and presentations are all out there for the taking, if you just get your act together and do your homework.

Unfortunately, I hadn’t – at least, not before my phone call last Friday, February 24th, with Neill Mullinger, Group Marketing Manager for Verification IP at Synopsys, and Michael Sanie, Director of Verification Product Marketing.

The call went badly, I couldn’t fully grasp the subtleties of their presentation, and I was running late for another meeting. Turns out, if I had just studied the materials beforehand, not only would it have clarified things, we could have skipped the call completely. The info was all there in the marketing collateral.

Here’s what Niell and Michael were trying to tell me.


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