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Posts Tagged ‘Verification 3.0’

Interim Solutions to the Standards Gap

Thursday, March 14th, 2019

The point of standards is to bring an industry together, to avoid duplication of effort, and to reduce risks associated with adoption of technology that may lock a user into a single vendor. These are some of the reasons why Breker was glad to see the creation of the Portable Stimulus working group within Accellera and actively participated in it since its inception. We donated technology and invested more time and effort, as a percentage of company size, than any other player. We were also glad to see the release of version 1.0 of the standard at DAC in 2018 – a huge step for the industry.

But was it enough? Some standards are ratified having been developed and refined by a single company and successfully proliferated across an industry, prior to donation to a standards body. Others are designed by committee and therefore run the risk of an unproven body of work captured as a hard to change standard. Sometimes this works well, other times, less so. It is only after the fact that you know if the committee got it right. So far the Portable Stimulus Standard is being tested by a relatively large number of companies with success, but there are still missing elements for a scalable solution. (more…)

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