Regular readers of The Breker Trekker know that we like to preview, review, and dissect technical conferences and trade shows that are of interest to verification engineers. Perhaps the conference we’ve covered the most has been the annual Design and Verification Conference and Exhibition (DVCon) in San Jose. As far as we know, this is the biggest event anywhere focused on digital and system design and verification, a nice complement to the analog-ish DesignCon.
As a matter of fact, DVCon has become so successful that there are now regional conferences in India and Europe in addition to the U.S. show. We’ve strongly supported DVCon India, including serving for all three years on the Promotions Committee, and have participated in DVCon Europe as well. But those are a bit in the future; DVCon (U.S.) 2016 is coming up in a just a few weeks. The program is online now, so we thought we’d review it and suggest some sessions of possible interest.