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Adam Prattler
Adam Prattler
Freelance writer.

Why Future of Driverless Cars Is Bright?

November 11th, 2013 by Adam Prattler


It used to be like this unimaginable joke once upon a time that there would come a time, when automobiles would drive themselves to serve their riders. About a few decades hence, it is much more of a reality than one could have ever imagined. With the invention(and legalization in 2012) of automated cars, human beings have seen a dream come alive.
It may intrigue you though, that how would an autonomous vehicle be of use to the general masses, considering the obvious fact that they are going to be exorbitantly expensive. A very legit answer to this is the results of a research done by the National Highway Traffic Safety Association that clearly state the following fact: 90% of all car crashes with 40% of the crashes that cause death have taken place due to the mistake of the human whose driving the vehicle.

Cars have been a fascination among many but very few learn driving. They prefer a driver as they don’t want to take the pain of travelling long or short journeys driving themselves. People also refrain from hiring drivers as they are not sure of any outsider’s intervention in the matters of the family. The best possible solution is getting a car that is fully automated and controlled by programs and microcontrollers. Let us look at the advantages of a driverless car:

Independence and health

The most important factor that comes into play is your health while you are driving. If you are not in the best of health then is advisable that you don’t drive in such a condition. Either you have to reschedule your plans or ask someone else to help you with the driving. This can be quite irritating and frustrating. You need to be self-equipped and self-dependent if you want to lead your life solely according to your wishes. This is where automated cars can help hugely.  These cars are programmed to work with the help of microcontrollers that can be operated with the help of buttons. It can sense the coming vehicles and there will be less congestion in cars.

The best option for the young, old and disabled

Automated cars do not need to be driven by someone. People who do not know driving or are physically impaired to do so can also enjoy the benefits of such a car. Even people of the older section of the society can easily avail these cars as they do not need to take the pain of driving.

Maintaining a car already costs a lot. The cost of fuel is rising day by day and you need to keep a limit to the expenditure you can make on your car. Sometimes it is just not possible to make ends meet with so much of expenditure.  Automated cars commit no flaws as they are machines. They communicate within themselves utilizing roads in a much more efficient manner thereby reducing fuel consumption to a great extent.


When you buy or own a car, it’s extremely precious to you and you know how to handle it. You will drive safely so that there are no accidents and there are no scratches in the paint of your car. But human errors are bound to happen and it cannot be neglected. It costs a lot to get a car repaired even when minor scratches are concerned. Automated cars are perfectly programmed to avoid accidents. Even when you need to park your car or reverse it, the controls are programmed in a unique manner to sense the nearby objects. Save your car from being mishandled that otherwise can lead to serious damage that will burn a big hole in your pocket.

With so many advantages that driverless cars have to offer, it’s no rocket science to foresee that in the years to come these cars are going to be the new trend.

Written By:

Adam Prattler is an automobile expert and loves to roam around the world clicking pictures and doing blogging of everything automobile around him. His latest projects include Israel Car Rental reviews and stories on refurbishing vintage cars to give them a new look.

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