Back in December, Liz and I figured that it’d be a good time to ask chip and EDA/IP industry folks:
1) what will chip companies need from their EDA/IP vendors in 2014
2) what will we see develop in EDA/IP in 2014?
We thought that Jim Hogan could probably respond to both questions. He did us one better…he provided the context for us to ask these questions. While he has advice for the chip and EDA/IP vendors, what’s compelling is what Jim sees as driving design trends.
What does Jim see coming up, starting in 2014? First off, for a variety of economic reasons, he sees a lot more money becoming available for R&D. What are some of those economic dynamics? The US will become a larger oil producer than Saudi Arabia by 2020 (or maybe as early as 2015) and entirely oil-self-sufficient by 2020. Oil will become a lot cheaper as a result and the US will swing a current $1.5T deficit into a $500B one.*