Posts Tagged ‘IoT’
Thursday, October 16th, 2014

This article by Atrenta’s CTO Bernard Murphy and investor Jim Hogan has attracted a lot of interest.
Murphy and Hogan say that we can draw inspiration from biology on how to design the IoT fortress: specifically, how the human body wards off attacks from bacteria, viruses, other bad and harmful stuff.
And they describe in detail the concept on how electronic engineers can plan to do so.
It’s an intriguing piece that gives electronic designers a first huge step on how to secure the IoT and keep those of us who are IoT-interconnected – Borg Collective like – protected from the inevitable cyber attacks.
Biology, Deceit & Security in the Internet of Things
What do you think?
Tags: Atrenta, Bernard Murphy, Biology, Borg Collective, Chip Design, cyber attack, Cyber Security, EDA, EDA & IP, Electronic Design Automation,, Internet of Things, IoT, Jim Hogan, Lee PR, Lee Public Relations, Security, Semiconductor IP, semiconductors, SoC, Star Trek: Next Generation, System on Chip, VistaVentures LLC, No Comments »
Friday, August 1st, 2014
Simon Bloch of Samsung, speaks out from the audience on the IoT, posing some interesting questions for all.
Bloch: I don’t think that there’s a one-size-fits-all IoT. There’s going to be segmentation. And if we end up in technology segmentation it’s going to be in low power, low latency and high bandwidths. They are going to be applicable to different areas. But it appears to me that technology segmentation is going to be driven by software, and not necessarily by hardware.
Perhaps one of the better examples is what Apple did just this week (editor’s note: week of June 2, 2014) by connecting two IoT devices – two operating systems talking to each other.
So there might be multiple technologies or different IOSs for different IoTs. There might be an opportunity in connecting them to a management layer that talks to one another, like in the areas of apps.
So, is there an opportunity for EDA companies? What is that activity and what is the opportunity to complement the classical EDA?
Tags: 51DAC, Apple, Chip Design, DAC, Design Automation Conference, EDA, Electronic Design Automation,, Internet of Things, IoT, Jim Hogan, Lee PR, Lee Public Relations, Samsung, semiconductors, Simon Bloch, SoC, System on Chip, No Comments »
Wednesday, July 30th, 2014
More on our coverage of the panel on the IoT……Audience member, Gabe Moretti, had quite a bit to say about the IoT and the automobile. And Jim Hogan shares a story.
Moretti: Let me talk to you about the very latest model car….The first thing it does when I get in the car is ask me for my cell phone. It connects to my cell phone, and only some of the functions are available to me if I have the cell phone with me…and the cell phone is off. What’s the problem I have with all of us engineers talking about what a great opportunity IoT is? We’re forgetting that supply is only successful if there is a demand.
Tags: automobiles, Chip Design, Design Automation Conference, EDA, EDA & IP, Electronic Design Automation, Frank Schirrmeister, Gabe Moretti,, Internet of Things, IoT, Jim Hogan, Lee PR, Lee Public Relations, semiconductors, smart cars, SoC, System on Chip, No Comments »
Monday, July 28th, 2014
In our continuing series on the IoT, Frank Schirrmeister of Cadence explains what three components of the IoT are important to him.
Schirrmeister: There are three components of importance. Fitbit. ARM’s going very big in that area, with their silicon partners. That’s not the IoT in its completeness. That’s an important component, but the analog mixed-signal components are certainly fun and challenging in this domain.
Then there are two more pieces to the Internet of Things that make me very happy, from a system design perspective: The first one is the hub of my data from the Fitbit. I have at least four hubs that I’m concerned about. My cell phone when I’m mobile. My computer at home. My living room; apparently my TV knows about my habits.
And there is my car. So that’s a hub – a very important piece. And from a system design perspective, there’s system development, emulation, FPGA, virtualization. There is a huge interesting market for us.
Then the third piece is this whole cloud space. That’s where the Intel, ARM, PC battle is waging. And that’s also a very important component of the Internet of Things where all the data crunching has happened and the health data that the health monitor needs to pick up. It is a very attractive market for EDA and will be very important to drive requirements, as well, for us.
Tags: 51DAC, Cadence, Chip Design, DAC, Design Automation Conference, EDA, EDA & IP, Electronic Design Automation, Frank Schirrmeister,, Internet of Things, IoT, Jim Hogan, Lee PR, Lee Public Relations, Semiconductor IP, semiconductors, SoC, System on Chip, No Comments »
Thursday, July 24th, 2014
Bernard Murphy, CTO of Atrenta, talks about the challenges to security that the IoT will bring in our continuing coverage of the IoT panel at DAC…and sees the IoT as a lot like a biological system!!!!
Murphy: The IoT represents a new level of challenge for security – not just because you have to worry about automotive, medical and so on. But also, if you believe the numbers, then the number of potential edge nodes in an IoT is on the order of a trillion or more. That’s two to three orders of magnitude bigger than any existing network you can imagine. It’s about the number of cells you find in a new born baby.
So a trillion edge nodes looks like a biological system. Why is that relevant? Because our approach to security today is very atomic….It’s not a system level approach. You think in terms of system level and you look at analogies with biological systems, then you think in terms of different things.
Of course, you need all the antibodies and antiviruses. But you also want to think about things like signaling – help I’m under attack. It’s not the same thing as defending yourself. You still want to defend. But you also want to signal to your nearest neighbors or an organization around you that you’re under attack. It can isolate you or send in defenses.
Tags: 51DAC, Atrenta, Chip Design, DAC, Design Automation Conference, EDA, Electronic Design Automation,, Internet of Things, IoT, Jim Hogan, Lee PR, Lee Public Relations, Security, semiconductors, SoC, System on Chip, 3 Comments »
Monday, July 21st, 2014
As we had previously announced, venture capitalist Jim Hogan moderated a panel at DAC regarding the IoT.
It was an eye opener about all things IoT……or maybe we should call it the IoE (The Internet of Everything), or as one prominent editor noted, the IoW (The Internet of Whatever). Our panelists included: Gary Smith, Market Analyst, GSEDA; Frank Schirrmeister, Group Director, System Development Suite, Cadence; Bernard Murphy, CTO, Atrenta; and Randy Smith, VP of Marketing, Sonics.
Very lively discussion among panelists, but also from the floor! Most notably editor Gabe Moretti of Chip Design and Simon Bloch of Samsung. Bloch, Sr. Director of R&D in mobile consumer wireless devices, posed questions and stimulated discussion to the point where he might be called the unannounced 6th panelist.
Over the next few blogposts, we’ll share snippets of that discussion. Gary Smith will start us off…..
Tags: 51DAC, Atrenta, Bernard Murphy, Cadence, Chip Design, DAC, Design Automation Conference, EDA, EDA & IP, Electronic Design Automation, Frank Schirrmeister, Gary Smith, GSEDA,, Internet of Things, IoT, IP, Jim Hogan, Lee PR, Lee Public Relations, Randy Smith, semiconductors, SoC, Sonics, System on Chip, VC, Wall Street, No Comments »
Tuesday, May 20th, 2014

As DAC frenzy hits us all, here’s an event that EDA/IP users and media people ought to consider attending.
It’s a Jim Hogan-moderated discussion event on
IoT system design concerns
Jim will 1) introduce the topic; 2) spur, moderate, provoke discussion and 3) sum up what we’ve learned during this session. Of course, this group of speakers are pretty opinionated and won’t need much provocation.
Tags: Atrenta, Bernard Murphy, Cadence, Chip Design, DAC, Design Automation Conference, EDA, EDA & IP, Electronic Design Automation, Frank Schirrmeister, functional verification, Gary Smith, GSEDA,, Internet of Things, IoT, Jim Hogan, Lee PR, Lee Public Relations, Randy Smith, register transfer level, RTL, semiconductors, SoC, Sonics, System on Chip No Comments »
Wednesday, February 26th, 2014
Retired senior vice president of Si2, Sumit DasGupta, imparts his sage view on what the semiconductor, EDA and IP industries should focus on to ensure a vibrant semiconductor industry for 2014.
“As the new year rolls out, there are promises and associated challenges that the semiconductor industry faces that need attention to ensure the vibrancy of the industry, even as the industry struggles to stay on the Moore’s law trajectory.
First in my list is the area of 2.5D and 3D integration, an area of great promise but with significant challenges. Much has been touted about these approaches as ways to deliver “More than Moore” but it appears to this observer to be advancing at a pace that is slower than hoped for. It seems to be just another year away from full production. But now, enough said, 2014 needs to be the year when much greater focus must be applied to get at least 2.5D technology into mass production. This is not a transitory approach to 3D but rather should last longer in its own right as a very viable technology sitting alongside 3D as 2 approaches to semiconductor integration. 3D still has challenges to be addressed but here again, greater focus needs to be applied to ramp up to full production in 2015.
Tags: 2.5D, 3D, 3D IC, 3D ICs, 3D stacked die, Chip Design, EDA, Electronic Design Automation, Internet of Things, IoT, Lee PR, Lee Public Relations, Semiconductor IP, semiconductors, Si2, SoC, software, stacked die, Sumit DasGupta, System on Chip, No Comments »
Monday, February 24th, 2014
Next up in our series of predictions Warren Savage, President and CEO of IPextreme, shares with us what he sees in his crystal ball for 2014.

“As the door closes on a successful 2013 for most companies in the semiconductor industry, the outlook for 2014 is bright as we see an explosion of new devices in the so-called “Internet of Things” era. Google’s recent $3.2B acquisition of Nest is indicative that this market will soon eclipse the smart phone/tablet era (aka the post-PC era). The IoT era will bring with it a range of new opportunities for semiconductor companies to exploit that are not mega-devices, but small, specialized technologies that enable opportunities in adjacent markets, like software and data analysis. There may be at least one semiconductor company that exploits this secondary and/or tertiary source of revenue. (more…)
Tags: Chip Design, Intellectual property, Internet of Things, IoT, IP, IPextreme, Semiconductor IP, semiconductors, SoC, System on Chip, Warren Savage, No Comments »
Wednesday, January 29th, 2014
Next up in our series is Simon Bloch’s forecast for 2014. Simon is Sr. Director of Samsung Electronics R&D, in mobile consumer wireless devices.
“The future of electronics is looking bright! Market forecasters predict growth in literally every category of electronic markets ranging from smart mobile and wearable devices, appliances and sensors connected to a network of Internet of Everything to smart connected cars and cities.
In today’s electronics products, sophisticated hardware is becoming insufficient for product success. Many layers of stacked software control the underlying hardware and determine a product’s competitiveness via functionality, performance, power and cost. And while there is always going to be a need to create new semiconductor components and IC companies will need EDA tools, EDA vendors need to expand the view of Electronics and treat software stack as an integrated part of EDA.
There are many opportunities to come up with products in the software stack space around Linux/Android operating systems and in the area of hardware virtualization. Just last month, CyanogenMod, a company that provides Android based software widely used in the mobile industry, secured $23 million in funding from top tier VCs. CyanogenMod is a software stack product and contains many features not found in Google versions of the operating system.
Tags: Chip Design, CyanogenMod, EDA, Electronic Design Automation,, Intellectual property, Internet of Things, IoT, IP, Lee PR, Lee Public Relations, Samsung, SDA, Semiconductor IP, semiconductors, SoC, Software Design Automation, System on Chip, No Comments »