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Posts Tagged ‘Piyush Sancheti’

Real RTL Signoff™ is a Comprehensive Signoff

Monday, March 17th, 2014

RTL Signoff is certainly one of the hot topics in chip design circles lately, and one that is garnering great interest and concern.  I chatted recently with Piyush Sancheti, VP of Marketing at Atrenta, on what it is, why it’s a design imperative, and how it should be done.

Liz:  Piyush, thanks for taking the time out to chat with me today on this vital topic…RTL Signoff.

Piyush:  No problem, Liz

Liz:  So, to start out, what is RTL Signoff?

Piyush:  “RTL Signoff” gained momentum as an established concept in 2013. While the concept is not new, a commonly-accepted definition did not exist in the past, which is now beginning to emerge.  Here’s what I think RTL Signoff is: a comprehensive series of well-defined MUST-pass requirements for your RTL before you commit the design to downstream implementation such as synthesis and physical layout. In addition to this complete set of RTL Signoff requirements, you need tools and methodologies to meet the requirement, along with tangible metrics to measure your pass/fail criteria.


Why should we care about IP quality?

Monday, September 10th, 2012

Piyush Sancheti



Why can 3rd party IP impede a design getting to tapeout?  Why is IP reuse costing design projects more time and effort?  And what can we do about it?  Piyush Sancheti, VP of Product Marketing at Atrenta,  explores these issues and answers some of these questions in the viewpoint below on the GSA IP Working Group blog:


Lee PR does work for Atrenta

Who owns IP quality?

Monday, January 31st, 2011

Piyush Sancheti of Atrenta brings up a good point: for Ip to work as we envision it can, what players have to contribute to the quality effort? And what does each player type need to contribute?

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