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Posts Tagged ‘2014’

Predictions 2014 – eSilicon’s Mike Gianfagna on IP Integration for 2014

Monday, January 27th, 2014


We asked Mike Gianfagna, VP of Marketing at eSilicon and former VP of Corporate Marketing at Atrenta, about EDA, IP and the chip industry in 2014. 

Ed:  What does EDA and IP need to do in 2014?

Mike:  Work more effectively with each other. IP integration continues to be a huge bottleneck for SoC design.  A more uniform quality metric and a way to enforce it is desperately needed. This problem can’t be solved in isolation.  EDA and IP companies need to collaborate to tame this issue.  They can do it.

Ed:  What does the chip industry want from EDA and IP in 2014?

Mike:  The same thing really. Every SoC project is dependent on somebody’s IP.  Whether it’s internally supplied or provided by your favorite IP supplier or your favorite ASIC supplier, the requirement for easy integration with no surprises is the same. Better collaboration between members of the SoC supply chain will definitely help.




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