Posts Tagged ‘Steve Leibson’
Thursday, March 29th, 2012
Here are the Top Ten reasons to be going to EDPS next week in Monterey:
10) Next week’s a lighter work week for most and the Monterey Peninsula is beautiful at any time of the year, but particularly in the spring.
9) The Electronic Design Process Symposium is in its 19th year, and everybody who’s anybody in EDA and its adjacencies has attended at one point or another.
Eight) The topics discussed at EDPS have always tracked the trajectory of the industry. In 2000, those topics included: deep sub-micron, distributed and web-based design methodologies, designer productivity, and maintaining modularity in an integrated design flow.
Here in 2012, technology evolution has driven a completely different set of topics: embedded processors, FPGAs, ESL, NUMA, EDA in the Cloud, Big Data and the Big Servers that serve them, low-power design, and 3d-ICs, among others.
7) Going to conferences is as much about conversations outside the sessions, as it is about presenting or listening within the sessions. EDPS is a boutique conference, where I promise you’ll have a chance for substantive conversations with the speakers, both inside and outside of the sessions.
Tags: 3D-ICs, Altera, Arif Rahman, Azadeh Davoodi, Cadence, Deepak Sekar, Don MacMillen, Dusan Petranovic, EDPS, Electronic Design Process Symposium, Frank Schirrmeister, Gary Smith, Grant Martin, Hans Spanjaart, Herb Reiter, Ian Ferguson, James Colgan, Jim Hogan, Kiron Pai, Marc Greenberg, Mentor, Mike Hutton, Monterey Peninsula, Naresh Sehgal, Phil Marcoux, Qi Wang, Riko Radojcic, Samta Bansal, Sandeep Goel, Sangeeta Aggrwal, Sri Ganta, Steve Leibson, Steve Smith, Steven Pateras, Synopsys, Tom Spyrou 2 Comments »
Saturday, March 17th, 2012
A lot of ink is always spilled over the EDAC CEO Forecast Panel, and this year was no different.
Ed Sperling moderated the panel and had slides to facilitate. They’re available here on the EDAC website. The full video version of the event is now available, as well.
If you would rather read about it, Mike Demler transcribed the event, Paul McClellan encapsulated the event, Richard Goering observed the event, and Steve Leibson abstracted the event.
I was also there on February 29th in Santa Clara, but rather than re-invent the wheel and provide redundant commentary, I’ve taken my notes from the evening and used them to create a Word Cloud. [see below]
If you study it carefully, you’ll see it pretty much sums up the emphasis of the panel discussion: Synopsys’ Aart de Geus, Mentor’s Wally Rhines, Cadence’s Lip-bu Tan, ARM’s Simon Segars, and Gradient’s Ed Cheng in conversation with Ed Sperling, exchanging ideas about Different Problems in EDA: Tools, Power, IP, Memory, Integration, Systems, Hardware, Software, Money and Innovation.

Now let’s look at the Word Cloud without any of the names, just the issues that swirled about in the conversation on February 29th. (more…)
Tags: Aart de Geus, Ed Cheng, Ed Sperling, EDAC, Lip-bu Tan, Mike Demler, Paul McClellan, Richard Goering, Simon Segars, Steve Leibson, Wally Rhines No Comments »