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Posts Tagged ‘Sanjay Lall’

Ausdia: Sanjay Lall joins the board

Thursday, November 8th, 2012


It might be the impression of late that all EDA-startup roads lead to Synopsys, but that would be incorrect. Small, privately-held companies continue to make their way in the industry, independent and productive.

Ausdia, based in Silicon Valley, has been underway since 2006 developing tools for timing constraint verification and management. Today the company announced a new board member, Sanjay Lall. Per the press release, Lall has 20+ years of experience in the EDA and semiconductors, “an expert in operations, marketing, fund raising and sales.”

He is also Chairman and Managing Partner at Cronox Group, on the Board of Advisors at Verdigirs Technologies, and a Director at Mobi-holdings. Previously, Lall was VP of Sales at Extreme DA, and “influential in the company’s acquisition by Synopsys in 2011.”

All EDA-startup roads may not lead to Synopsys, but not surprisingly the CVs of most seasoned EDA veterans do lead to Synopsys, and/or to Cadence and/or Mentor Graphics.


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