Posts Tagged ‘SAME’
Thursday, December 6th, 2012
Shakeel Jeeawoody is VP of marketing at Blue Pearl. I enjoyed a long conversation with Shakeel at SAME Forum in France in October, and again at ARM TechCon in November. We completed the discussion by phone this week, starting with a brief profile of Blue Pearl and a discussion of FPGA versus ASIC design needs.
Per Jeeawoody, “Blue Pearl has been around since 2005, we’re located in Santa Clara, and our technology has all been developed in-house. Our underlying technology improves RTL analysis using symbolic simulation techniques and adapting them to our customers’ market requirements. We have competitors in the linting and clock-domain crossing [CDC] space, but not many that can generate SDC constraints and offer easy-to-use tools that run on Windows at an attractive price point to support FPGA designers.
“More FPGA designers today struggle with IP integration in their projects in the same way ASIC designers have in the past; if they don’t do the right level of analysis, there are reliability problems in the field. With that in mind, we focus on addressing emerging and major FPGA design issues – one we call Grey Cell Methodology, and we offer mode-based analysis to address issues associated with longest path analysis.
Tags: Altera, ARM TechCon, Blue Pearl, DATE, DesignCon, Grey Cell Methodology, RTL Signoff for FPGAs, SAME, Shakeel Jeeawoody, SNUG, Synopsys, Synplicity, Xilinx No Comments »
Wednesday, August 29th, 2012
As Labor Day Weekend comes to a close, summer is officially over. Now it’s time to look out across the next 4 months and figure out how you’re going to spend your conference travel budget. Here’s just a small sampling of the many excellent options available to you.
* IMAPS: International Symposium on Microelectronics
September 9-13
San Diego Convention Center
* CICC: Custom Integrated Circuits Conference
September 9-12
Double Tree Hotel, San Jose
* HPEC: High Performance Extreme Computing Conference
September 10-12
Westin Hotel, Waltham
* IDC: Intel Developers Conference
September 11-13
Moscone Center, San Francisco
* Design East: The Center of the Engineering Universe
September 17-20
Hynes Center, Boston
Thursday, May 3rd, 2012

The Sophia Antipolis Microelectronics Forum takes place every fall in the ‘Silicon Valley’ of Southern France, Sophia Antipolis, 5 miles inland from the beautiful Mediterranean city of Antibes.
Sophia Antipolis is about 20 minutes from the International Airport at Nice, with offices for approximately 800 high-tech companies – included among them: ARM, Broadcom, Cadence, HP, IBM, Infineon, Intel, Mentor Graphics, Nvidia, STMicro, and Synopsys – housed in a range of buildings set among the rolling hills of the enclave. Within that forested place and 800 enterprises, almost 40,000 people are employeed. There are also two college campuses in Sophia Antipolis, as well as restaurants, a golf course, multiple hotels, and a tennis institute.
In other words, if you’ve never been to the Cote d’Azur, never been to Nice or Antibes, if you think you’d love vistas across the wide blue Mediterranean Sea, want to learn more about good food, wine, Picasso, Matisse, ancient Greeks, the French Riviera, or microelectronics – and not necessarily in that order – you’re going to be wanting to go to the Sophia Antipolis Microelectronics Forum taking place this year on October 2nd & 3rd.
Tags: Antibes, ARM, Broadcom, Cadence, Cezanne, France, HP, IBM, Infineon, Intel, Matisse, Mentor Graphics, Nice, Picasso, SAME, Sophia Antipolis Microelectronics Forum, STMicro, Synopsys 1 Comment »