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OneSpin: A must see at DAC

Wednesday, May 14th, 2014


There are three reasons you should visit OneSpin at DAC in San Francisco. First, they’re a German company, albeit with a group in California, so it’s great to chat with the German contingent while they’re in town; second, it’s been 10 years since they were spun out of Infineon, so they have that much experience selling verification tools into some of the largest semis in the world; and third, Dave Kelf heads up marketing for the company and any conversation with Dave’s going to leave you better informed and happy to be working in the industry. He’s the ultimate optimist.

I spoke by phone recently with Dave. It was morning in Silicon Valley and late afternoon in the U.K. as he described a new tool recently released by OneSpin that’s useful for evaluating verification coverage.

Dave said, “OneSpin’s been working on this for a while with customers. It was actually a customer who said to us: Look, you’ve got this great coverage engine. Why don’t you release it as a separate tool, because it could be very beneficial.

“So we looked at our coverage engine, added some features, made it useful to a number of different companies, and released it as Quantify. The response has been great. It’s really started to transform the environment for our customers, a group of very high-end companies.”


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