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Posts Tagged ‘ITC’

Fall Calendar Update: The pace quickens

Thursday, September 5th, 2013


Okay, summer’s over, September has arrived, and it’s time to figure out where you’re going to go over the next few months, conference wise. Some events are imminent, but others are a ways out, giving you time to think about registering and attending. Some events are vendor neutral, while others are vendor specific, which doesn’t preclude a chance to learn stuff. Although this list is lengthy, it isn’t comprehensive.

* ITC 2013
International Test Conference
Anaheim – September 8-12

* IDF 2013
Intel Developers Forum
San Francisco – September 10-12

* SNUG Taiwan
Hsinchu – September 10-11

* CDNLive China 2013
Beijing – September 10


Autumn Destinations: a sampling of upcoming conferences

Wednesday, August 29th, 2012


As Labor Day Weekend comes to a close, summer is officially over. Now it’s time to look out across the next 4 months and figure out how you’re going to spend your conference travel budget. Here’s just a small sampling of the many excellent options available to you.


* IMAPS: International Symposium on Microelectronics
September 9-13
San Diego Convention Center

* CICC: Custom Integrated Circuits Conference
September 9-12
Double Tree Hotel, San Jose

* HPEC: High Performance Extreme Computing Conference
September 10-12
Westin Hotel, Waltham

* IDC: Intel Developers Conference
September 11-13
Moscone Center, San Francisco

* Design East: The Center of the Engineering Universe
September 17-20
Hynes Center, Boston


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