Posts Tagged ‘Ed Sperling’
Thursday, March 23rd, 2017
Something historic and poignant is taking place on Thursday, April 6th, that should be of interest to absolutely everyone in the EDA and IP communities. The four most powerful men in these two industries will be on stage for an ESD Alliance panel discussion led by Semiconductor Engineering’s Ed Sperling.
The four panelists include Synopsys Chairman & CEO Aart de Geus, Cadence President & CEO Lip-Bu Tan, Mentor Graphics Chairman & CEO Wally Rhines, and ARM CEO Simon Segars.
The April 6th event will be historic because these Big Four unequivocally define EDA and IP – just as Stanford, Huntington, Hopkins, and Crocker defined Railroads in the West – and it’ll be poignant because you’ll never see them together again. Too many changes ahead.
Of course, the ESDA panel will also be whimsical: You’ll know no more about these CEOs and their companies at the end of the evening than you knew when you first arrived. That doesn’t mean the evening won’t be entertaining.
Tags: Aart de Geus, Abu Dhabi, ARM, Brexit, Cadence, Charles Crocker, China, Collis P. Huntington, Ed Sperling, EDA, EDA 360, Egypt, ESD Allicance, Germany, GlobalFoundries, India, Japan, Leland Stanford, Lip-bu Tan, Mark Hopkins, Mentor Graphics, Pakistan, Russia, Saudia Arabia, Semiconductor Engineering, Siemens, Simon Segars, SoftBank, Synopsys, Taiwan, TSMC, U.S., UK, Wally Rhines 2 Comments »
Wednesday, June 15th, 2016
Presidents and CEOs share a common difficulty: the past. A past that’s sometimes of their own making. They come into office full of enthusiasm and an agenda for improvement and innovation, only to find that the past serves increasingly as an impediment for moving forward.
Of course, the difference between Presidents and CEOs is that the former get libraries built in their name to commemorate their contributions, whether or not they’re able to conquer a past legacy left to them by predecessors.
CEOs, on the other hand, don’t get libraries when their tenures end. They either get tons of criticism, or occasionally tons of praise – but no library. They do, however, often get millions of dollars in compensation and stock during their administrations, and usually a pretty golden handshake when they’re done. Something that goes a long way to easing the pain of criticisms they may endure during and after their years in power.
Tags: 53rd DAC, Aart de Geus, Cadence, Chi-Foon Chan, Design Automation Conference, Ed Sperling, Lyndon Baines Johnson, Richard Nixon, Steve Jobs, Synopsys 1 Comment »
Saturday, March 17th, 2012
A lot of ink is always spilled over the EDAC CEO Forecast Panel, and this year was no different.
Ed Sperling moderated the panel and had slides to facilitate. They’re available here on the EDAC website. The full video version of the event is now available, as well.
If you would rather read about it, Mike Demler transcribed the event, Paul McClellan encapsulated the event, Richard Goering observed the event, and Steve Leibson abstracted the event.
I was also there on February 29th in Santa Clara, but rather than re-invent the wheel and provide redundant commentary, I’ve taken my notes from the evening and used them to create a Word Cloud. [see below]
If you study it carefully, you’ll see it pretty much sums up the emphasis of the panel discussion: Synopsys’ Aart de Geus, Mentor’s Wally Rhines, Cadence’s Lip-bu Tan, ARM’s Simon Segars, and Gradient’s Ed Cheng in conversation with Ed Sperling, exchanging ideas about Different Problems in EDA: Tools, Power, IP, Memory, Integration, Systems, Hardware, Software, Money and Innovation.

Now let’s look at the Word Cloud without any of the names, just the issues that swirled about in the conversation on February 29th. (more…)
Tags: Aart de Geus, Ed Cheng, Ed Sperling, EDAC, Lip-bu Tan, Mike Demler, Paul McClellan, Richard Goering, Simon Segars, Steve Leibson, Wally Rhines No Comments »
Saturday, March 17th, 2012
When it comes to Westerns, nothing satisfies more than the one about long-time compadres getting together to do one last ride, one last round up, to take one last stand.
It satisfies, because it’s been years in the making and involves all aspects of the genre – long, lonely shots of distant horizons, fading references to the “exploration and settlement of previously untamed frontiers”, and a rich narrative of “rugged, self-sufficient individuals taming a savage wilderness with common sense and direct action.”
This particular type of Western also satisfies, because we know the players well – their faces, their mannerisms, how many notches they’ve got in their gun belts, and whether they normally ride alone or in a posse. (more…)
Tags: Aart deGeus, ARM, Barson & Monahan, Cadence, CEO Forecast Panel, Clint Eastwood, Code of the West, Cowboy, Ed Cheng, Ed Sperling, EDA, EDAC, Gradient Design Automation, Henry Fonda, John Ford, John Wayne, Lip-bu Tan, Mentor Graphics, Rawhide, Simon Segars, Synopsys, Unforgiven, Wally Rhines, Ward Bond, Western No Comments »