Posts Tagged ‘Ed Cheng’
Thursday, October 10th, 2013
Given that history and innovation are being featured here in this space this week, it’s only appropriate to highlight the fact that EDAC is hosting a very interesting event related to history and innovation in Silicon Valley next week.
On Wednesday, October 16th, those who have made massive contributions to the EDA industry will be highlighted and celebrated at a black-tie optional dinner at the Computer History Museum. If you’re interested in rubbing elbows with the powerful and prolific, you should be going to this event. If you want a chance to bid at auction for lunch with today’s corporate leaders in EDA, you should be going to this event. If you think said corporate leaders make enough money to pay for your lunch, rather than vice versa, you should still be going to this event.
Tags: Aart de Geus, Alan Naumann, Bernie Aronson, Bob Brayton, Bob Gardner, Chenming Hu, Cooley, Dave Burow, Dave Millman, Dean Drako, Ed Cheng, Ernie Kuh, Jack Harding, Jacques Benkoski, Jim Hogan, Jim Solomon, Joe Costello, John Eurich, John Kibarian, John Sanguinetti, Kathryn Kranen, Lip-bu Tan, Penny Herscher, Randy Bryant, Raul Composano, Ravi Subramanian, Rick Carlson, Sanjay Srivastava, Scott Sandler, Simon Segars, Soha Hassoun, Wally Rhines No Comments »
Thursday, July 26th, 2012
There are three things to remember about Jim Hogan: He’s an affable guy, he’s usually sporting a Hawaiian shirt, and he’s extremely accessible; when you interview him, he’s able to talk to you without a PR person sitting at his elbow. I spoke with Jim by phone in late July.
WWJD: How are you doing, and what’s up with this upcoming surfing-themed fundraiser you’re hosting?
Jim Hogan: I’d doing great, and yeah – that’s an annual fund raiser we host. I live in Santa Cruz, where life is pretty easy and my kids surf.
Also I work a lot with Jill Jacobs [Mod Marketing], who’s got relatives here in Santa Cruz. Jill was my coordinator for roadshows at Cadence and still does logistics for some of my startups. Her relatives are just a great family and are neighbors with Jack O’Neal [surfing entrepreneur and credited by many for inventing the wetsuit] who’s always donating to charities here.
Santa Cruz isn’t too far from the Valley, and I always have a lot of fun when we put these two crowds together, the surfers and the technology folks. For me, it’s kind of like the parties we had at my frat in college. You pick the day, buy the beer, and invite a bunch of people. [laughing] Maybe we’ve scaled up a little bit since then. Now my frat parties have a somewhat corporate feel.
Tags: Berkeley Design Automation, Bob Gardner, DAC, Dan Nenni, Dean Drako, Draper University, Ed Cheng, EDAC, Gradient, Hogan's Heroes, IC Manage, Jill Jacobs, Jim Hogan, MOD Marketing, My Dinner with Andre, Ravi Subramanian, Santa Cruz, SemiWiki, Steve Pollock, Uniquify 2 Comments »
Thursday, May 31st, 2012
Stop the presses! Someone other than the CEO of Mentor, Synopsys, or Cadence is going to be the Chair of EDAC.
What? Has the world come to an end?
Nope, but it turns out that even staid EDAC has, at last, learned how to innovate. It turns out that Mentor, Synopsys, and Cadence have, at least, seen the light and decided that they shouldn’t always be at the head of the class. As of yesterday, May 31st, there’s a new Chair at EDAC and it’s Kathryn Kranen, President & CEO at Jasper Design Automation.
Kathryn, of course, is well known within the EDA community. She’s been CEO at Jasper since 2003. Prior to Jasper, Kathryn was CEO of Verisity Design, and earlier on served as VP of North American sales at Quickturn. At the outset of her career, after earning a BSEE at Texas A&M, she worked as a design engineer at Rockwell, and then joined Daisy Systems in advance of her role at Quickturn.
In addition, Kathryn was named the 2005 recipient of the Marie R. Pistilli Woman in EDA Achievement Award, and has been an extremely hard working member of the Board of Directors of EDAC for many years.
I am personally elated at the news, and wish Kathryn all the best!
Tags: Aart de Geus, Dane Collins, Dean Drako, Ed Cheng, EDAC, EDAC Board of Directors, EDAC Chair, Jasper Design Automation, John Kibarian, Kathryn Kranen, Oz Levia, Raul Camposano, Ravi Subramanian, Simon Segars No Comments »
Saturday, March 17th, 2012
A lot of ink is always spilled over the EDAC CEO Forecast Panel, and this year was no different.
Ed Sperling moderated the panel and had slides to facilitate. They’re available here on the EDAC website. The full video version of the event is now available, as well.
If you would rather read about it, Mike Demler transcribed the event, Paul McClellan encapsulated the event, Richard Goering observed the event, and Steve Leibson abstracted the event.
I was also there on February 29th in Santa Clara, but rather than re-invent the wheel and provide redundant commentary, I’ve taken my notes from the evening and used them to create a Word Cloud. [see below]
If you study it carefully, you’ll see it pretty much sums up the emphasis of the panel discussion: Synopsys’ Aart de Geus, Mentor’s Wally Rhines, Cadence’s Lip-bu Tan, ARM’s Simon Segars, and Gradient’s Ed Cheng in conversation with Ed Sperling, exchanging ideas about Different Problems in EDA: Tools, Power, IP, Memory, Integration, Systems, Hardware, Software, Money and Innovation.

Now let’s look at the Word Cloud without any of the names, just the issues that swirled about in the conversation on February 29th. (more…)
Tags: Aart de Geus, Ed Cheng, Ed Sperling, EDAC, Lip-bu Tan, Mike Demler, Paul McClellan, Richard Goering, Simon Segars, Steve Leibson, Wally Rhines No Comments »
Saturday, March 17th, 2012
When it comes to Westerns, nothing satisfies more than the one about long-time compadres getting together to do one last ride, one last round up, to take one last stand.
It satisfies, because it’s been years in the making and involves all aspects of the genre – long, lonely shots of distant horizons, fading references to the “exploration and settlement of previously untamed frontiers”, and a rich narrative of “rugged, self-sufficient individuals taming a savage wilderness with common sense and direct action.”
This particular type of Western also satisfies, because we know the players well – their faces, their mannerisms, how many notches they’ve got in their gun belts, and whether they normally ride alone or in a posse. (more…)
Tags: Aart deGeus, ARM, Barson & Monahan, Cadence, CEO Forecast Panel, Clint Eastwood, Code of the West, Cowboy, Ed Cheng, Ed Sperling, EDA, EDAC, Gradient Design Automation, Henry Fonda, John Ford, John Wayne, Lip-bu Tan, Mentor Graphics, Rawhide, Simon Segars, Synopsys, Unforgiven, Wally Rhines, Ward Bond, Western No Comments »