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Calendar 2017: Tech Conference Opportunities Abound

Thursday, December 15th, 2016


The New Year promises to be a dramatic one on many fronts
, not the least being the ever-quickening pace of change in technology. Evidenced by the continued and enthusiastic attendance at conferences around the world, there are clearly so many opportunities to network, learn, and develop sales leads at these events. Bets are on that you’ll be attending at least one of these. Happy New Year!


* CES2017: Consumer Electronics ShowJanuary 5-8 – Las Vegas

No one need tell you what CES encompasses: Here in its 50th annual edition, it will include everything. The 2017 keynotes will include addresses from the CEOs of Qualcomm, Huawai, Nissan Motors, and Nvidia. But the topics covered in this massive 100,000-attendee show will cover cars, wearables, healthcare devices, and every conceivable type of consumer clutter.


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