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Posts Tagged ‘Adnan Hamid’

DVCon Panel: Problems in Paradise

Thursday, March 2nd, 2017


DVCon generates a lot of respect
, and for good reason. Engineers have attended this conference for over 25 years to further refine their skills in the area of design and verification. Yet, there’s a problem in paradise.

In an industry like EDA that’s super dominated by just three players, there’s little if any room in the industry – or at a conference like DVCon – to showcase the ideas and innovations of the Small Guys. The Big Guys teach tutorials and present papers; the Small Guys get to hang posters in the hallways.

All of that was supposed to change tonight thanks to the sponsorship of the ESD Alliance and OneSpin Solutions, as well as Vista Ventures’ Jim Hogan.

Tonight, six of the Small Guys in verification appeared on a panel moderated by Hogan hoping to get their 60-minute shot at fame. A post-Happy-Hour hour in which to lay out their case for customers to come and sample the kind of innovation that everyone knows is the watchword of technology startups, particularly in EDA.


Breker: The Art of Destructive Testing

Thursday, April 26th, 2012


Here in Silicon Valley, there’s a small company that should be on your radar. Founded in 2003 as a consulting service, the company discovered their solutions – developed to address customers’ verification problems – had become sufficiently robust to be commercialized. Over time, those solutions proved so successful that Breker Verification Solutions morphed into a 100-percent product company.

No longer a consultancy, Breker is thriving today, actively hiring with multiple openings posted on their website. and just this week named well-known EDA veteran Tom Anderson as Vice President of Marketing. I had a chance to speak by phone this morning with Tom Breker, CEO Adnan Hamid, and company CFO Maheen Hamid.

Adnan addressed the challenge of morphing from consultancy to product company: “As we have figured out how to do this, we feel we have done it with style. But still it’s true, this is a very hard path.”

Tom added, “We are relatively small, but already with people in Europe, India, and the U.S., and we have plans to grow over 2012 – looking for good AEs and hiring in R&D to implement the ideas customers constantly come up with. Our momentum is building as we cast a wide net for great employees, and work to serve our customers even more. So that’s the top-level view of company.”


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