By Sowmyan Rajagopalan, CEO, Thalia
The economic outlook for the semiconductor industry in 2024

Sowmyan Rajagopalan
As 2024 unfolds, the semiconductor industry is entering a period of reinvigoration and transformation. The advancements on the horizon are not just iterative; they are foundational, signaling a new chapter of innovation and strategic market adaptation.
Process technologies down to 2nm
The industry’s march towards 2nm process technologies heralds an era that will challenge and evolve Moore’s Law. The significance of 3D stacking and monolithic 3D integration, as recently highlighted by Penn State research[1] and Intel’s roadmap to a 1-trillion transistor chip[2], indicates a shift towards more sophisticated and capable semiconductor devices. These are the very advancements that will define the next generation of electronic devices.
Automotive industry requirements move on
Amidst this backdrop of innovation, the automotive sector’s move to electric and green hydrogen solutions marks a change in demand for semiconductor technologies, particularly in the area of battery technology. With the projected increase in the semiconductor content of vehicles, there is an evident need for technologies and devices that can meet these emerging requirements, such as discrete compound semiconductors (silicon carbide and gallium nitride)[3], and offer superior performance and efficiency compared with traditional silicon.