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 EDACafe Editorial
Peggy Aycinena
Peggy Aycinena
Peggy Aycinena is a contributing editor for EDACafe.Com

DesignCon: From Pragmatic to Dramatic, it’s all there

January 26th, 2017 by Peggy Aycinena

Next week, DesignCon 2017 will be underway
at the Santa Clara Convention Center. As always, the program will include a lot of practical advice across a variety of design silos: Analog & mixed-signal modeling and design; modeling and analysis of interconnects.; PCB design, simulation, and fabrication; chip/package design and signal integrity considerations; EM interference; and various aspects of high-speed design.

DesignCon clearly continues to provide a learning venue for working engineers who deal with real-world problems, and again this year there will also be a lively exhibit hall.

Featured among the 185 exhibitors will be multiple companies offering tools for design – Cadence, Altium, Ansys, SiSoft, Mentor Graphics, Applied Simulation, EMA, DipTrace, Polar Instruments, SPISim, Valydate, XJTAG, and SpeedIC, among them.

Also exhibiting this year at DesignCon will be our own EDACafe.

Sanjay Gangal, President of IBSystems, and his team will be in Booth #1349 where they will be recording video interviews.

For those who follow EDACafe, these interviews are well known. Gangal’s background in engineering, combined with his ongoing interests in both technical advancements and business processes, creates an environment for intelligent and cordial conversations.

As a result, these tapings provide more than just advertorial content – they authentically document the nuanced thinking of the many engineers, managers, and executives involved in the business of high-tech, while also providing an ongoing video record of the industry as it progresses from today’s latest-and-greatest toward tomorrow’s.

If you plan to be at DesignCon and would like to sit for an interview with Sanjay Gangal at the show, please contact him at

But even if you don’t come for an interview, stop by the EDACafe booth and leave your business card for a chance to win an Amazon Echo – the little drum that can effectively operate many of the systems within your home, all at the sound of your voice.

Also when you drop off your card, take a moment to contemplate just how far digital technology has come – it’s truly amazing – yet even though our interface to the world may be increasingly digital, conference like DesignCon continue to thrive.

Engineers want to create a universe of digital devices, but talking person-to-person – the principle activity at DesignCon – is still the most viable and meaningful way to fully experience the drama of human design and discovery.

Something that, in itself, remains truly amazing.


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