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 EDACafe Editorial
Peggy Aycinena
Peggy Aycinena
Peggy Aycinena is a contributing editor for EDACafe.Com

Calendar 2017: Tech Conference Opportunities Abound

December 15th, 2016 by Peggy Aycinena

The New Year promises to be a dramatic one on many fronts
, not the least being the ever-quickening pace of change in technology. Evidenced by the continued and enthusiastic attendance at conferences around the world, there are clearly so many opportunities to network, learn, and develop sales leads at these events. Bets are on that you’ll be attending at least one of these. Happy New Year!


* CES2017: Consumer Electronics ShowJanuary 5-8 – Las Vegas

No one need tell you what CES encompasses: Here in its 50th annual edition, it will include everything. The 2017 keynotes will include addresses from the CEOs of Qualcomm, Huawai, Nissan Motors, and Nvidia. But the topics covered in this massive 100,000-attendee show will cover cars, wearables, healthcare devices, and every conceivable type of consumer clutter.

* CAR-ELE Japan 2017January 18-20 – Tokyo

Expect 900 exhibitors and 30,000 people enjoying the show. Per the organizers, “Automotive OEMs and Tier 1 suppliers visit the exhibition to find the latest products, while the exhibition has grown in size every year and has established itself must-attend event for automotive industry professionals.” EDA is so much about automotive these days, the industry should be well represented at this show in January.

* Phil Kaufman Award Dinner January 26 – San Jose

The 2016 CEDA/ESD-Alliance award will be presented to CMU’s Dr. Andrzej Strojwas, long-time CTO of PDF Solutions. As always, it should be a marvelous evenings full of reminiscences and recollections. The EDA Nation always turns out in force, and these days the Thought Leaders in IP and Embedded Systems as well. You should be among them.

* DesignCon 2017January 31 – February 2 – San Jose

With 14 different tracks including technical paper sessions, panels and tutorials, DesignCon continues to serve as an important Silicon Valley go-to event. Topics in 2017 will include: Analog/mixed-signal modeling, High-speed serial design, Test & measurement, PCB design, System co-design modeling and design, Power integrity, and Mitigating EM interference. If you don’t look too closely, you’d think you were looking at DAC.

* Mobile World Congress 2017February 27 – March 2 – Barcelona

One of the highlights of the technical year in Europe, Mobile World Congress draws in some of the top names in the industry, and tens of thousands of attendees. Keynoters in 2017 include the CEOs of Nokia, Kaspersky Labs, Telefonica, Vivendi Group, Turner, VMWare, Twilio, PWC, Netflix, Niantic, KT Corp., and NEC. No further proof is needed to attest to the power and significance of this mega-event.

* DVCon 2017 – February 27 – March 2 – San Jose

Organizers say you should attend, because of “the opportunity to take part in the many informal, but often intense, technical discussions that pop-up around the conference venue among 800+ design and verification engineers and engineering managers. DVCon attendees also have access to the vendors of advanced design and verification tools, IP/VIP and services who exhibit at the conference.” Of course, you’ll also meet up with old friends, possible the best part of this well-established confab.

* SNUG Silicon Valley 2017March 22-23 – Santa Clara

Of course, the co-CEO’s will be on stage, but so will many other loyal acolytes whose successes are built on Synopsys’ successes. The company now includes Silicon Design, Silicon IP, and Software Signoff. The company now includes more business units, and bright innovators, than the other EDA enterprises combined. Do not miss SNUG if you want to be part of the company’s First Time Success, or catch the show either in March in Canada or Boston, or in October in Austin.

* DATE 2017March 27-31 – Lausanne

Europe’s Design Automation & Test Conference will be in Switzerland this year. An important anchor tenant in the tech calendar, keynotes will be offered by IBM’s Arvind Krishna, Microsoft’s Doug Burger, EPFL’s Giovanni De Micheli, Cisco’s Keith Willett, and startup Radyalis’ Sani Nassif. Topics at DATE 2017 will include, among others, the IoT, wearables, and smart medical devices. You should plan to attend.

* CDNLive Silicon Valley 2016April 11-12 – Santa Clara

Per organizers: “CDNLive Silicon Valley brings together Cadence technology users, developers, and industry experts for two days of networking, sharing best practices on critical design and verification issues, and discovering new techniques for designing advanced silicon, SoCs, and systems.” You should be going, because that’s what Joe would do.

* IoT Developers ConferenceApril 26-27 – Santa Clara

Per organizers, this is the only conference specifically focused on developers of IoT devices. The program includes “in-depth technical analysis, tutorials, business strategies, and product updates, plus hands-on demonstrations to help you learn through first-hand experience.” This the hot area in semiconductors; plan to attend if you want to stay current.

* CDNLive EMEA 2016May 15-17 – Munich

The show moves to Europe, before continuing on around the globe throughout the remaining months of the year.

* DAC 2017 – June 18-22 – Austin

Austin’s DAC will once again showcase 6 tracks: Design, EDA, ESS & Auto, Design/IP, IoT, IP, and Security. You can exhibit, sponsor, network and/or present at DAC. Everybody who’s anybody is always there for some or all of the conference, and most certainly you should be there as well. But you already knew that.


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One Response to “Calendar 2017: Tech Conference Opportunities Abound”

  1. Avatar Bob Smith says:

    Thanks for mentioning the Kaufman Award Dinner – we have some great live entertainment planned this year.
    BTW – for the DAC listing – although it is a repeat in Austin, this year it is 2017! Happy Holidays, Bob

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