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 EDACafe Editorial
Peggy Aycinena
Peggy Aycinena
Peggy Aycinena is a contributing editor for EDACafe.Com

2013 Kaufman Award: U.C. Berkeley’s Chenming Hu

April 3rd, 2013 by Peggy Aycinena

The EDA Consortium and the IEEE Council of EDA together announced today the recipient of this year’s Phil Kaufman Award for distinguished contributions to EDA – Chenming Hu, TSMC Distinguished Professor of the Graduate School at U.C. Berkeley.

Per the Press Release: “Dr. Chenming Hu is being recognized for his contributions in device physics, device modeling, and device reliability through BSIM and BERT models that have transformed the semiconductor manufacturing and EDA industries. Dr. Hu’s team invented the revolutionary 3D finFET transistor structure that simultaneously achieves size and power reduction to enable continued scaling of the microelectronic chips.”

Prof. Hu is a marvelous choice on the part of both EDAC and CEDA, but it is important to note that his contributions in EDA are the basis for the Phil Kaufman Award, not his work on the finFET – even though the latter is the hot topic in semiconductors today.

Nonetheless, the quote from Synopsys Chairman/co-CEO Aart de Geus included in the press release celebrates all aspects of Prof. Hu’s work: “Recognizing Chenming Hu the very year in which the entire EDA, IP, and semiconductor industry is unleashing the next decade of IC design through the 16/14nm finFET generation is not a coincidence, but illustrates how a great contributor can impact an entire industry!”

Similarly, the quote from CEDA President Donatella Sciuto recognizes all of of Hu’s contributions, not just his work in EDA: “Professor Hu’s work and life stands as an example of tremendous contributions to science, technology, and society that would make Phil Kaufman proud. IEEE CEDA is a proud partner to EDAC in honoring such a luminary.”


Chenming Hu: Looking at life from both sides now …

If you want to learn more about other luminaries who also acknowledge Prof. Hu’s contributions, you can read my blog here detailing the 2012 celebration of his 65th birthday at U.C. Berkeley.

Presenters at the all-day event included no less than Tallwood Founder Dado Banatao, SanDisk VP Khandker Quader, TSMC Directors Clement Wann and Sally Liu, Applied Materials Group Vice President Klaus Schuegraf, ProPlus Exec Chairman Zhihong Liu, Nvidia Foundry Manager Boon-Khim Liew, Univ. of Michigan’s Dennis Sylvester, Univ. of Illinois’ Elyse Rosenbaum, National Univ. of Singapore’s Yee-Chia Yeo, and U.C. Berkeley’s Tsu-Jae King Liu, Sayeef Salahuddin, Ali Javey, and Ali Niknejad.

It was an extraordinary day!


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