Docea Power, founded in 2006 in the Grenoble area of central France by brothers Ghislain and Sylvian Kaiser, now has an office headquartered in Silicon Valley. When CEO Ghislain Kaiser and I spoke by phone this morning, he talked about the company’s product offerings – in particular, those set to be showcased at DAC in San Francisco in early June.
Ghislain said, “AceThermalModeler is our new tool that is available for both architects and system designers [through which] they can create a compact thermal model for a proposed product.
“True, there are on the market today tools from Mentor [FloTHERM] and Ansys [Icepak] that do thermal analysis, but those tools need a lot of run time because they are not compact. The models they produce are accurate, but require hours and days of compute time.
“Docea’s AceThermalModeler, however, relies on fast computing – just seconds or minutes – so at the architectural and system level the design space can be explored quickly. [In fact], if we compare the models produced by our solution, we are within 5% of the models produced by Mentor or Ansys, so for a great deal of savings in time only a small amount of model accuracy is lost.