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 EDACafe Editorial
Peggy Aycinena
Peggy Aycinena
Peggy Aycinena is a contributing editor for EDACafe.Com

DAC 2012: Marvelous Monday in San Francsico

May 7th, 2012 by Peggy Aycinena

DAC looms!

It’s time to start examining the Conference Program and figure out how you’re going to spend your time in the first week of June when you’re attending the Design Automation Conference next month in San Francisco at Moscone Center.

Marvelous Monday …

On Monday June 4th at DAC there’s so much going on you really need to take some time to seriously consider how you’re going to schedule your day. So, first click here to see the jam-packed program, and then figure out what your priorities are.

Sessions or Exhibition Hall? You better work on this now, because if you suffer from sensory overload syndrome, you’ll never figure it out on the day of.

First off, there are 6 tutorials:

* System C to Layout
* 3DICs & TSVs, etc.
* Pattern-induced Design Problems
* Advanced node Analog & M/S Design Challenges
* Native Embedded Software Development
* The System-level view of Multicore Power/Temp/Performance/Area

Then there’s a plethora of panels, presentations, and workshops:

* Design & IP Management
* John Cooley’s Troublemaker Panel
* Annual DFM & Yield Workshop
* Si2 Update & Roundup
* Gary Smith’s Pavilion Panel: Includes live music
* Pavilion Panel: MRP Award Winner Belle Wei, Dean of Engineering, SJSU
* Pavilion Panel: Low Power with John Donovan
* Pavilion Panel: Lifecare Mobile Apps with EETimes’ Rick Merritt
* WWED Pavilion Panel: Creativity in Design with Synopsys’ Karen Bartelson
* Workshops Day 2: Bio-Design Automation & HOST

But all of this is happening while the Exhibition Hall is in full swing in the cavernous bowels of Moscone Hall, which will be a’frenzied with over 200 booths!

Okay, get to work. Start figuring out now how you’re going to spend Monday, June 4th at DAC.

How am I going to spend my day? I’m thinking 3DICs, Multicore from the system-level view, Cooley’s Troublemakers, MRP winner Belle Wei, Lifecare Apps, Karen Bartelson on Design Creativity, and all of the remaining time spent in the Exhibition Hall.

And for dinner? The way-overpriced Living Room Bar in the W Hotel just across the street from Moscone. It’s super chic and the polar opposite of Lefty O’Doul’s where I ate on Sunday. And you?


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