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 The Breker Trekker

Posts Tagged ‘test case generator’

Why Is Cache Coherency So Hard to Verify?

Friday, February 19th, 2016

In last week’s post, we provided a preview of the program at the annual Design and Verification Conference and Exhibition (DVCon) in San Jose, coming up in ten days. We mentioned some of the interesting talks and other activities there, and focused in particular on “Using Portable Stimulus to Verify Cache Coherency in a Many-Core SoC” on Tuesday morning. The paper for this session was co-authored by Breker and Cavium, and both companies will present together at DVCon.

The paper and presentation describe the use of our Cache Coherency TrekApp and TrekSoC-Si to automatically generate self-checking, portable test cases for more than 100 CPU cores in a multi-SoC configuration in the Cavium bring-up lab. To set the stage for this story, today we’d like to revisit some of the reasons why cache coherency is so hard to verify and why an automated approach is the best solution.


A Preview of the Upcoming DVCon in San Jose

Wednesday, February 10th, 2016

Regular readers of The Breker Trekker know that we like to preview, review, and dissect technical conferences and trade shows that are of interest to verification engineers. Perhaps the conference we’ve covered the most has been the annual Design and Verification Conference and Exhibition (DVCon) in San Jose. As far as we know, this is the biggest event anywhere focused on digital and system design and verification, a nice complement to the analog-ish DesignCon.

As a matter of fact, DVCon has become so successful that there are now regional conferences in India and Europe in addition to the U.S. show. We’ve strongly supported DVCon India, including serving for all three years on the Promotions Committee, and have participated in DVCon Europe as well. But those are a bit in the future; DVCon (U.S.) 2016 is coming up in a just a few weeks. The program is online now, so we thought we’d review it and suggest some sessions of possible interest.


Expanding Our Scope to Multi-SoC System Verification

Wednesday, February 3rd, 2016

For more than four years now, Breker has branded itself as “The SoC Verification Company” and many people acknowledge our expertise in this domain. As we have discussed before on The Breker Trekker, our initial products focused on generating purely transactional tests for a simulation testbench, usually compliant with the Accellera Universal Verification Methodology (UVM) standard. When we extended our products to generate C code that runs on the embedded processors found within SoCs, we delivered on our “tagline” promise.

Since our early focus on simulating an SoC, we have expanded our technology and our product line to generate C test cases that run on embedded processors in emulation, FPGA prototypes, and actual silicon in the bring-up lab. In talking about what we do, we struggle to choose between “SoC” and “system” since for many of our customers the terms are synonymous. But we also have users verifying multi-SoC systems, and today we’d like to address that topic.


Revisiting System / Scenario / Use-Case Coverage

Wednesday, January 6th, 2016

It’s been more than a year since we presented the Breker view of system coverage in detail, so it’s time to revisit the topic. We first defined the notion of system coverage as measuring which realistic, system-level application scenarios have been exercised using the existing test cases. We then demonstrated how our graph-based scenario models are ideally suited to capture system coverage metrics and fine-tune them using graph constraints if needed.

More recently, we noted that the term “use cases” has become more widespread and introduced the example of a digital camera SoC to show the types of use cases that should be exercised. The measurement for this exercise is also system coverage, so the bottom line is that all these terms are really talking about the same thing. Using a regular expression, we might say:

[application|realistic] (scenario|use-case) coverage = system coverage


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