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 Decoding Formal
Dr. Jin Zhang
Dr. Jin Zhang
Jin Zhang has over 15 years of experience working in EDA, driving the effort of bringing new products and services to market. At Oski Technology, she is responsible for Oski’s overall marketing strategy as well as business development in Asia Pacific. Prior to that, she was the General Manager at … More »

Decoding Formal @ DAC – Join Oski for Four Days of Formal Fun

June 6th, 2015 by Dr. Jin Zhang

Oski Decoding Formal Events are usually hosted at the Computer History Museum in Mountain View and have attracted lots of formal enthusiasts in the bay area. Deep formal talks from Oski, lectures given by formal experts from different companies, good networking, cool gifts and museum tours have become the signature of these events that formal engineers look forward to, every quarter.

To reach out to formal enthusiasts around the world and create a bigger event than usual, the 2015 Q2 Decoding Formal event will be hosted at DAC. Our theme is proving completeness of End-to-End Formal for Sign-off.

Join the “Break the Testbench” Challenge! In the spirit of past DAC challenge events, Oski is inviting engineers to “Break the Testbench” by inserting functional bugs in the RTL design and watch the End-to-End formal testbench catch it live, on the floor, proving that End-to-End formal is complete. Visit us at booth #1215 to see if you can “Break the Testbench”. The 2015 Challenge event is sponsored by Synopsys.

The daily Decoding Formal Lecture Series includes some incredible topics. You will have an opportunity to have conversations with the speakers, including customers and Oski staff. Pre-register now to be able to join us for lunch! Links are below. All lectures will be held at Oski booth 1215. Registration is requested.

The full lineup of DAC events, Decoding Formal lunch lectures, customer presentations, including the Decoding Formal Training Day Thursday June 11, is below.

Monday, June 8, 2015

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Oski is offering an one-day training, Thursday June 11,  on “Achieving Formal Sign-off” with discussions on the following topics:

Agenda: “Achieving Formal Sign-off” Decoding Formal DAC Training
10:30 AM    Welcome & Introductions 
                   Session 1: Creating a Formal Testplan
                   Lunch & Networking
                   Session 2: Writing End-to-End Formal Checkers
                   Session 3: Calculating Required Proof Bound
Break & Networking
Session 4: Dealing with Formal Complexity
                   Session 5: Using Abstraction Models
                   Break & Networking
Session 6: Managing Constraints
5:30 PM     Wrap Up

The event is sponsored by Synopsys. Space is limited and we are almost at capacity. The training is from 10:30 AM until 5:30 PM. Paid registration is required.  Please register today.

As we count down to DAC, I am really looking forward to meeting all of you, and hearing your stories on formal. Come and join Osk for four days of formal fun!

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