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 Decoding Formal
Dr. Jin Zhang
Dr. Jin Zhang
Jin Zhang has over 15 years of experience working in EDA, driving the effort of bringing new products and services to market. At Oski Technology, she is responsible for Oski’s overall marketing strategy as well as business development in Asia Pacific. Prior to that, she was the General Manager at … More »

Formal Training in High Demand

June 19th, 2014 by Dr. Jin Zhang

This year at DAC, a question asked repeatedly got our attention: Do you offer advanced formal training program?

While we are not surprised by the request itself, the number, size, type and location of companies that asked about this was surprising. It included a wide spectrum of companies, from the U.S., Japan, Korea, China, along with large companies with established formal teams as well as small start-ups with no formal experience. Even EDA vendors asked if we could do training for them.

Clearly there is a hunger in the industry for advanced formal knowledge and application, beyond tool usage training often offered by EDA vendors.

The answer to the question is a resounding yes. Oski provides formal training in several forms:

1. Our existing customers can attest to the effort we put into training the engineers we work with. Often through our formal verification projects, not only do we offer formal sign-off service on the target design blocks, along the way we also have in-depth discussions and focused training for engineers assigned to work with us. We firmly believe in teaching people to fish as we are a small company without enough resources to service the whole industry. Learning formal in real-world projects with experts, is the best way to go.

2. For companies that cannot do formal services, we offer an advanced formal training course in various forms. The most comprehensive training can last up to one month, including a formal immersion session using a customer design. The shortest training might be only a week, covering advanced formal topics important to achieve formal sign-off. And there are other options in between. We can meet with companies to better understand their requirements and time frame to customize a program to suit their specific needs.

3. Oski has also been doing a lot of formal education for the industry through our Decoding Formal Club. Once a quarter, formal enthusiasts gather together to share knowledge and experience and hear a presentation. So far we have covered several topics, such as Formal Test Planning (with case studies at the DAC Insight Tutorial), Bounded Proofs and Abstraction Models. See video of each of these presentations, here. Related information about each event is also published on our website to give those who could not attend, the a gist of what is covered.

4. Oski is also promoting state-of-the-art research in the formal space by sponsoring the annual Deep Bound Award at FLoC Olympic Games and CAV 2014 at the Vienna University of Technology in Vienna, Austria. The annual Deep Bound Award rewards the competitor whose solution offers the fastest and deepest formal convergence. This academic result will impact formal tool performance and benefit the entire industry.

This year’s DAC confirmed many things, including that the industry recognizes Oski as the leader in advanced formal verification and looks to us for formal knowledge and training. We are ready to assist all companies wishing to use formal for sign-off to improve verification productivity and shorten overall project cycle.

Oski Technology demo at DAC 2014

Oski Technology demo at DAC 2014

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