Decoding Formal Vigyan Singhal
Vigyan Singhal is President and CEO of Oski Technology, and is responsible for overall leadership of the company. He has worked in the semiconductor and EDA industries for 20 years, having led two venture-funded start-ups – Jasper Design Automation, a formal verification EDA company, and Elastix, … More » Calling All Formal Enthusiasts: Join the Oski “Decoding Formal” ClubAugust 15th, 2013 by Vigyan Singhal
In our years of providing formal verification services to leading-edge semiconductor companies, I have had the pleasure of meeting and working with many smart and dedicated engineers who paved the way of formal adoption in their companies – studiously applying formal technology to verify more complex designs as well as building up formal methodology so formal can become part of sign-off criteria in their verification flow. I have had countless discussions with these individuals on the nature of formal technology, best practices in formal application, and ways of getting the most out of formal tools in verification. These are valuable mutual learning experiences for all of us. In working with these formal technologists and practitioners, I have always wanted to create a forum for these kindred spirits – formal enthusiasts, pioneers, leaders and friends who work in different companies but on the same mission. The goal is to promote idea sharing among us so together we can further advance formal technology and broaden formal adoption in the industry.
Now that time has come, and Oski Technology is pleased to announce the launch of the Oski “Decoding Formal” Club, a quarterly gathering for formal enthusiasts to meet, mingle and have fun while decoding the secrets of formal technology and its application. These events will be organized as luncheons for a small group of formal enthusiasts. We will feature interesting technical presentations and discussions, good food and above all, formal fun! The first luncheon will be held in Mountain View on October 10 at the Computer History Museum. We will discuss best practices in the application of formal, so everyone can leverage the best of industry know-how in their own application. We at Oski will share our own insights, and are excited to hear about the tips and tricks you have learned over the years. If you would like to participate, please contact us at decoding-formal at oskitech dot com. In your email, please tell us who you are, what you do, your experience with the application of formal verification and what you would like to see discussed at future events. There will only be space for 12 people in our “Decoding Formal” Club launch event, so don’t wait to contact us! I am very excited about hosting these events and I look forward to seeing YOU there! Tags: best practices formal verification, Decoding Formal, Oski, Oski Technology, Vigyan Singhal Category: Blog |