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Posts Tagged ‘#DVCon’

DVCon US 2018 is Bigger and Better

Thursday, February 1st, 2018

During the last week of February, the DoubleTree hotel in San Jose, California will once again host DVCon U.S. Dennis Brophy, this year’s General Chair, refers to DVCon U.S. as being “bigger and better”. How much longer the conference can squeeze into these premises is a challenging topic for Accellera Systems Initiative, the conference sponsor since the turn of the century.

Dennis remembers the humble beginnings of this event in 1988. To disguise his age or maybe to underlie his seniority he claims not to remember attending it, but I know he was there. Much has happened since then in our industry, and much has changed. DVCon has changed and grown with the industry and it is now a truly world-wide institution with conferences occurring also in Europe, India, and China.

DVCon has followed closely the changing realities of the electronics industry. From a place to learn about new Hardware Description Languages to one where you can attend a session about Big Data and autonomous automobiles, for example. From just three workshops presented by the leading companies in EDA to an entire day of workshops that will parallel the tutorial sessions. But let me go in order.

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