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Silicon Catalyst: Leading the Renaissance in Hardware

Thursday, December 28th, 2017


When Sales Force entertains, they really entertain.
And so it was in the first week of November in San Francisco when 175,000 people came to town to be part of the company’s DreamForce confab.

I made the mistake of being on the Streets of San Francisco on Tuesday, November 7th, and was witness to the madding DreamForce crowds – particularly the lucky 50,000+ of them headed to AT&T Park where Alicia Keyes and Lenny Kravitz were waiting to entertain the VIPs of the SalesForce world.

Although the traffic was debilitating on that Tuesday night, the sheer scale of the SalesForce presence (now very obvious in San Francisco as their towering mega-temple is about debut) provided such an interesting compare and contrast to my adventures on the following morning.

On Wednesday, November 8th, I had the good fortune to attend a Press and Analyst briefing at a low-slung building in Silicon Valley.

The hosts of that event were the leadership and evangelists of a small, laser-focused group called Silicon Catalyst – an incubator that intends to pave the way for the semiconductor super stars of the future. The folks at Silicon Catalyst hope that one of the companies in their carefully vetted portfolio may become the SalesForce of tomorrow, the mega-force in technology that dominates cities, skylines, and baseball parks.


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