Posts Tagged ‘Semiconductors’
Tuesday, March 1st, 2022
2020-2022 expected to be the first 3-year period of double-digit capex growth since 1993-1995.
Figure 1 shows that after surging 36% in 2021, semiconductor industry capital spending is forecast to jump 24% in 2022 to a new all-time high of $190.4 billion, up 86% from just three years earlier in 2019. Moreover, if capital spending increases by ≥10% in 2022, it would mark the first three-year period of double-digit spending increases in the semiconductor industry since the 1993-1995 timeperiod.

Figure 1
Tags: DRAM, Forecast, IC manufacturing, ICManufacturing, McClean Report, NAND, NVIDIA, NXP, ON Semi, Optoelectronics, qualcomm, samsung, Semiconductors, SK Hynix, Sony, ST, TI, toshiba, tsmc, umc No Comments »
Friday, September 10th, 2021
Memory suppliers, Sony, and TSMC benefitting from strong demand and supply shortages.
IC Insights’ recently released its compilation of third-quarter sales growth expectations for the top-25 semiconductor suppliers. For the third quarter of this year (ending in September), sales growth outlooks for the top-25 suppliers range from 16th-ranked Sony’s 34% increase at the high end, to Intel’s 3% decline on the low end.
Third-quarter growth expectations for the top-15 suppliers are shown in Figure 1. In advance of an expected surge in demand for 5G smartphones during the upcoming holiday season, Qualcomm and Apple anticipate significant increases in their 3Q21 semiconductor sales. Also, the big three memory IC suppliers—Samsung, SK Hynix, and Micron—are each expected to post a 10% increase and Kioxia is anticipated to show an 11% jump in 3Q21 sales as demand remains strong for memory in data center servers, enterprise computing, and for 5G smartphones and related infrastructure.
Tags: AMD, Apple, Broadcom, ICManufacturing, Infineon, intel, Kioxia, MediaTek, micron, NVISDIA, NXP, qualcomm, Semiconductors, SK Hynix, SKY Hynix, smasung, ST, TI, tsmc No Comments »
Tuesday, June 22nd, 2021
Sensors and actuators made with MEMS technology are forecast to grow by high double-digit percentages in the next several years after starting a recovery in 2H20, says new report.
Sales of semiconductor sensors and actuators made with microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) technology are expected to grow about 16% in 2021 to a record-high $15.9 billion after an 11% increase in 2020 during the economic havoc caused by the Covid-19 virus pandemic and the automotive industry’s worst year in decades, according to IC Insights’ 2021 O-S-D Report—A Market Analysis and Forecast for Optoelectronics, Sensors/Actuators, and Discretes. Recovery growth in MEMS-based sensor/actuator products surged in the second half of 2020 when manufacturers quickly began to refill inventories after seeing signs of stabilization and recovery in key end-use markets, says the 350-page O-S-D Report. Between 2020 and 2025, sales of MEMS-based sensors and actuators are expected to increase by a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 11.8% to $24.1 billion with shipments rising by a CAGR of 13.4% to 32.1 billion units (Figure 1), based on the O-S-D Report’s five-year forecast.
Tags: actuator, cagr, ICManufacturing, MEMS, Semiconductors, sensor No Comments »
Tuesday, May 4th, 2021
Intel’s lackluster performance and surging DRAM market forecast to put Samsung in the lead.
IC Insights is currently assembling its 1Q21 top-25 semiconductor supplier ranking, which includes company sales forecasts for 2Q21 that will be presented later this month in the May Update, the third monthly Update to the 500-page, 2021 edition of The McClean Report—A Complete Analysis and Forecast of the Integrated Circuit Industry.
As shown in Figure 1, Intel was locked in as the world’s top semiconductor manufacturer from 1993 through 2016. However, after nearly a quarter of a century, the semiconductor industry saw a new #1 supplier beginning in 2017 when the memory market surged and Samsung displaced Intel. This unseating marked a milestone achievement not only for Samsung, but also for all other competing semiconductor producers who had tried for years to supplant Intel as the world’s largest supplier.
Tags: DRAM, IC manufacturing, ICManufacturing, intel, McClean Report, samsung, Semiconductors No Comments »
Thursday, May 21st, 2020
Domestic content percentage forecast to be about one-third of its 70% 2025 target.
IC Insights will release its May Update to the 2020 McClean Report later this month. This Update is part of a series of monthly updates to The McClean Report that will be released through November of this year. The following evaluation of China’s IC market is an excerpt from the original McClean Report released in January.
IC production in China represented 15.7% of its $125 billion IC market in 2019, up only slightly from 15.1% five years earlier in 2014. As shown in Figure 1, IC Insights forecasts that this share will increase by 5.0 percentage points to 20.7% in 2024 (one percentage point per year on average).
 Figure 1
A very clear distinction should be made between China’s IC market and indigenous IC production in China. As IC Insights has oftentimes stated, although China has been the largest consuming market for ICs since 2005, it does not necessarily mean that large increases in IC production within China would immediately follow, or ever follow.
Tags: Acquisitions, China, DRAM, Europe, Foundry Market, IC manufacturing, ICManufacturing, Mergers, Semiconductors No Comments »
Tuesday, May 5th, 2020
After 10 years of record-high sales, combined revenues for optoelectronics, sensors/actuators, and discrete semiconductors are expected to drop 6% in virus-plagued 2020, says the new O-S-D Report.
When 2020 began, global conditions pointed to single-digit percentage market growth this year for optoelectronics, sensors and actuators, and discrete semiconductors (known collectively as O-S-D devices), but the outlook suddenly deteriorated in the first quarter due to the worldwide outbreak of the Covid-19 coronavirus. The virus crisis deepened by the end of March, resulting in IC Insights cutting its 2020 semiconductor forecast and changing the growth outlook for the next five years. The revised forecast is contained in IC Insights’ new 2020 O-S-D Report—A Market Analysis and Forecast for Optoelectronics, Sensors/Actuators, and Discretes, which shows total O-S-D sales falling 6% this year, ending a decade-long string of record-high annual sales (Figure 1).
Tags: actuators, automotive, Broadcom, China, CMOS, discretes, DRAM, Europe, Foundry Market, IC manufacturing, ICManufacturing, McClean Report, Optoelectronics, Semiconductors, sensors No Comments »
Thursday, April 16th, 2020
Semiconductor producers hoping to keep capital spending plans intact despite virus outbreak.
Using its “baseline” assumptions shown in the soon-to-be-released April Update to the 2020 edition of The McClean Report—A Complete Analysis and Forecast of the Integrated Circuit Industry (MR20), IC Insights is not lowering its current -3% 2020 semiconductor industry capital spending forecast (Figure 1) due to the Covid-19 outbreak.
Although essentially all of the risk to the current -3% semiconductor industry capital spending forecast for this year is to the downside, it is assumed that most spending will proceed as planned since the vast majority of the outlays are directed at long term goals of process technology advancements and/or additions to wafer start capacity. However, if the Covid-19 outbreak is not contained in the first half of this year, significant cuts to current capital spending budgets will likely occur.
Tags: China, Europe, Forecast, Foundry Market, ICManufacturing, McClean Report, Semiconductors, worldwide No Comments »
Tuesday, November 12th, 2019
Despite a slowdown, combined revenues for optoelectronics, sensors/actuators, and discrete semiconductors are expected to barely set a 10th consecutive record high in 2019, followed by gradual strengthening in 2020 and 2021, says new updated forecast.
With the global economy slowing and the fallout from the U.S.-China trade war causing systems makers to draw down factory inventories, combined sales of optoelectronics, sensors and actuators, and discrete semiconductors (O-S-D) are on pace to grow just 1% in 2019 to $83.5 billion after rising 9% in 2018 and 11% in 2017, according to IC Insights’ update of the O-S-D marketplace. IC Insights believes O-S-D products will account for about 19% of total worldwide semiconductor sales in 2019 with integrated circuits representing 81% of the entire chip market this year.
Tags: actuators, CMOS, discretes, gyroscopes, IC manufacturing, McClean Report, Optoelectronics, Semiconductors, sensors, transistors No Comments »
Tuesday, November 5th, 2019
Samsung and TSMC each expected to set new all-time highs in quarterly spending in 4Q19.
IC Insights’ November Update to The McClean Report 2019 will include a capital spending forecast for the major semiconductor companies for 2019 and 2020. In January of next year, IC Insights will release The McClean Report 2020 and present its seminars that review the five-year forecasts for the IC industry.
The share of semiconductor industry capital spending held by the top five companies’ (i.e., Samsung, Intel, TSMC, SK Hynix, and Micron) is forecast to reach an all-time high of 68% this year, surpassing the previous record high of 67% recorded in 2013 and 2018 (Figure 1). With the top five spenders holding only 25% of the total industry outlays in 1994, the trend of the big companies increasing their share of capital spending continues unabated.
Figure 1
Tags: Capex, Forecast, Foundry Market, McClean Report, samsung, Semiconductors, tsmc No Comments »
Friday, October 18th, 2019
Cellphone and graphics processors drive demand for leading edge processes.
Leading-edge processes (<28nm) took over as the largest portion in terms of monthly installed capacity available in 2015. By the end of 2019, <28nm capacity is forecast to represent about 49% of the IC industry’s total capacity, based on information in IC Insights’ Global Wafer Capacity 2019-2023 report. At the very leading edge, <10nm processes are now in volume production and are forecast to represent 5% of worldwide capacity in 2019. The share of <10nm capacity is forecast to jump to 25% and become the largest capacity segment by 2023 (Figure 1).

Figure 1
Tags: Foundry Market, IC manufacturing, ICManufacturing, Semiconductors No Comments »