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SEMI has a Vision …

Tuesday, July 2nd, 2019

Over the past several years, SEMI took significant steps on the path to fulfilling its vision to address the entire electronic product chain from design through manufacturing. We’re a step closer to fulfilling this vision as ES Design West debuts next week (July 9-11) as a co-located SEMICON West event at San Francisco’s Moscone Center South Hall.

ES Design West is currently the only North American event to address commercial achievements of the electronic system and semiconductor design and forward-looking, system-centric design approaches. It will promote and highlight how the technology is being applied across the electronic product design, manufacturing and supply chain. 

(R)evolution of the 56th Design Automation Conference Technical Program

Wednesday, April 10th, 2019

The Design Automation Conference (DAC), which was founded in 1964, is the longest running and largest conference focused on the design and automation of electronic circuits and systems. And 2019 was a record year in terms of research paper submissions and accepted papers. In fact, this year DAC experienced an impressive 18 percent increase in submissions, as shown in Figure 1.


Figure 1. DAC growth in research paper submissions



Of this year’s 815 submissions that were stringently reviewed, 202 were accepted for publication. This resulted in an acceptance rate of about 25 percent, which is consistent with previous years.

Verification 3.0: Grab Your Surfboards, the Next Big Wave is Coming

Monday, April 1st, 2019

I’m that rare person, a native (even second generation) Californian, and grew up going to the Southern California beaches during the summers.  I earned my Red Cross lifeguarding certificates, and was a pretty good bodysurfer in my youth.  The greatest adrenaline rush I’ve ever had is catching a wave so perfectly that I was in the pipeline, not on a surfboard, but just my body half in, half out of the wave.  So, when Joe Costello opened up the inaugural Verification 3.0 Innovation Summit (V3IS) with analogies about waves and rip tides and bodysurfing, he was speaking both my languages, verification and oceans.  There’s a new verification wave coming, Joe said, building strength and speed, and we should be preparing to have a glorious ride to the shore.  The alternative, to not recognize this wave, is to be caught in the rip tide, the undercurrent, with dire consequences.

Image source: Good Free Photos

Joe, and the more than a dozen speakers and companies that spoke and exhibited at V3IS (held last week in Silicon Valley), talked about the various driving factors and technical and business components of this next generation of verification, and also about the previous two generations of verification methodology and tools.


Design Infrastructure Alley at DAC 2019

Monday, February 4th, 2019

2018 marked the first year of the Design Infrastructure Alley (DIA) at DAC.  It was the first time that DAC devoted floor-space to discussing the unique IT needs of the semiconductor industry.

Some of the big issues we are looking to address at DAC include:

Increased Focus on Data/IP Security

Semiconductor companies have traditionally had a very open, collegial way of working.  The emphasis was on making it easy for engineers to collaborate.  This was generally fine when companies created and owned virtually all of their own IP.  However, with the rise of third party IP (and the unique legal agreement for each set of IPs), it’s no longer acceptable to have “open access” to data.  This is a significant IT, engineering and business challenge that will require a great deal of work to correct without wreaking havoc with design schedules.

CAD flows which engineers have used for years will likely face challenges in a “locked down” environment, as the new rules will surely break an underlying data access assumption embedded deep within them.

DAC 2019 to host the Second System Design Contest

Friday, November 9th, 2018


 The spots are limited and boards are provided as first come first served


Interested in showing off your talent in developing deep learning algorithms on embedded hardware platforms for solving real-world problems? Join us in the second System Design Contest (SDC) at the 56th Design Automation Conference in 2019!


In 2018, DAC held its inaugural system design contest. The 2018 SDC featured a low-power object detection challenge (LPODC) on designing and implementing novel algorithms based object detection in images taken from unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV). Contestants compete in two different embedded hardware categories: FPGA (Xilinx PYNQ Z-1 board) and GPU (Nvidia Jetson TX2), provided by our premier platform sponsors, Xilinx and Nvidia, respectively. Datasets consisting of video clips captured in a UAV view and with different points of view are provided by our industry sponsor DJI.


Contestants use the provided training dataset to train their networks, and a hidden dataset is used to evaluate the performance of the designs in terms of accuracy, throughput and energy. Over 110 teams from both academia and industry of 11 different countries participated in the contest. Three winning teams were selected from each hardware category and received cash prizes sponsored by Nvidia and Xilinx. Winning teams listed below.


An even more exciting and competitive SDC will take place at the 56th DAC to be held in Las Vegas, NV on June 2-6, 2019. The same datasets and hardware platforms as the SDC’18 contest will be used.  We expect that higher quality solutions will be submitted by participating teams. The organizers of SDC’19 are:


  • Jingtong Hu (University of Pittsburgh),
  • Jeff Goeders (Brigham Young University),
  • Philip Brisk (University of California, Riverside),
  • Yanzhi Wang (Northeastern University),
  • Guojie Luo (Peking University),
  • Chris Rowen (Cognite Ventures),
  • Bei Yu (Chinese University of Hong Kong)
  • Naveen Purushotham (Xilinx)


The schedule for SDC’19 contest are as follows:


November 30: Registration deadline

December 10: Host webinars to share resources available

February – May: Teams submit their solutions and update ranking list

June: Invited talks and demos at DAC, June 2-6, 2019


Visit the System Design Contest 2019 web page for more details and registration information.


The spots are limited and boards are provided as first come first served. So, make sure to register early!


2018 System Design Contest organizers and winning teams:


The 2018 SDC at the 55th DAC was organized and managed by:


  • Yiyu Shi (University of Notre Dame),
  • Jingtong Hu (University of Pittsburgh),
  • Chris Rowen (Cognite Ventures),
  • Bei Yu (Chinese University of Hong Kong),
  • Cong Zhao (DJI),
  • Naveen Purushotham (Xilinx),
  • Amit Goel (Nvidia)


2018 Winning Teams:



First Place – TGIIF – Shulin Zeng, Weicong Chen, Tianhao Huang, Yujun Lin, Weizhe Meng, Zhenhua Zhu, Yu Wang – Tsinghua University


Second Place – SystemsETHZ –Kaan Kara, Ce Zhang, Gustavo Alonso –

ETH Zurich


Third Place – iSmart2Cong Hao, Yuhong Li, Sitao Huang, Xiaofan Zhang, Tianqi Gao, Jinjun Xiong, Kyle Rupnow, Haufeng Yu, Wen-Mei Hwu, Deming ChenUniversity of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign



First Place – ICT-Jeejio – Hao Lu, Xuyi Cai, Xiandong Zhao, Ying Wang – Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Science


Second Place – DeepZJianing Deng, Cheng Zhuo – Zhejiang University


Third Place – SDU-Legend Chuanqi Zang, Jie Liu, Yueming Hao, Shiqing Li, Miao Yu, Yango Zhao, Mingyi Li, Pengfei Xue, Xiaoyu Qin, Lei Ju, Xin Li, Mengying Zhao, Hongjun Dai – Shandong University


#55DAC #5: Must-see New Deep Learning Processors, Embedded FPGA Technologies, and SoC Design Solutions in the DAC 2018 IP Track

Wednesday, May 9th, 2018

Some of the most valuable events at DAC are the IP Track sessions, which give small- and medium-sized companies a chance to share innovations that might not get much attention elsewhere.


The use of IP in SoCs has exploded in recent years. In a panel at DAC 2017, an industry expert noted that the IP market was clearly growing even faster than EDA itself, due to the fact that more and more chip makers are externalizing IP development functions.  This is similar to what happened with EDA tools in the 1990s.  The externalization trend is ongoing, and there is still more IP to be go. With continued advances in semiconductor processing, new systems-on-chip (SoCs) are always increasing in complexity.  Research firms estimate that some SoCs include up to 200 blocks of IP, licensed from multiple companies, ranging from an I/O cell all the way up to an Arm CPU. Identifying and acquiring or designing all of the IP blocks is just the beginning.  The big challenge is when you have to bring all of that IP into one design database and manage the versioning and design flow requirements of each unique block.


So, if you’re working to optimize your designs with IP, come check out the DAC IP track this year.  Most of our sessions consist of invited presentations and panels. We have nine 90-minute sessions total, from Monday through Wednesday of DAC week. Five of the sessions are for invited presentations—three 30-minute presentations each—and two for panels. The final two sessions will showcase submitted and reviewed presentations from industry and academia.  This year, the submissions seem to reflect the increased interest in IP-based design, as we received 25 percent more than we did last year.


One area that is hot across DAC this year is machine learning, perhaps no surprise given how much artificial intelligence and machine learning technology is proliferating in systems and in the media.  We have an IP for Machine Learning session that will be fascinating. Cambricon, an up-and-coming Chinese company, has created the first AI deep learning IP in the world. On Monday morning, they will present the details of their deep learning processor. In the same session, you’ll hear from Cadence, which has developed a neural processor based on its Tensilica architecture, and Dr. Vivienne Sze from MIT, who will discuss the types of hardware that are required for deep learning.


The IP track also includes two panels—one of which focuses on the perennially “hot” topic of low power. Industry editor John Blyler will moderate a panel that includes representatives from companies including TSMC, Microsoft and Minima, for  a wide-ranging discussion of the latest problems in achieving low power for new applications such as virtual reality wearables, IoT devices and even automotive systems.


The IP Track sessions are also a good opportunity for engineers to learn about some types of IP that most have not gotten a lot of exposure to yet. We have an excellent session on embedded FPGA that includes presentations from some of the leaders in this new market: Achronix, Flex Logix and Menta. They will talk about three very different ways of implementing FPGA as an IP which can be instantiated into an SoC, as opposed to the other way around (like Xilinx’s Zynq or Intel/Altera’s SoC FPGA line). Embedded FPGAs used to be a tough sell because FPGAs traditionally required a great deal of area, but eFPGA vendors are getting traction now with these new offerings which are purpose-built products for embedding in SoCs, rather than being derived from existing full chip FPGAs. I’m interested to find out what has made it possible for these vendors to go from “it’ll never work” to “yes, we have customers.” In fact, Flex Logix will have Sandia Labs, a customer, co-present and describe the end application which takes advantage of the reprogrammability of the eFPGA.


Another session I’m personally interested in deals with IP to support CMOS image sensors (CIS). The CIS market is exploding, and image sensors are being integrated in SoCs for multiple applications, including automotive. These new image sensor IPs require new architectures and also innovative mixed-signal design. Chronocam, Austria Micro Systems and Forza Silicon will each present their solutions in this space on Tuesday morning.


At the conference this year, we have an excellent mix of EDA, IP, SoC, and foundry process engineers who will talk about how our industry is changing. This is going to be a great year for DAC. The event is back in San Francisco again this year, so it’s an easy hop from Silicon Valley, just grab the bus and come on up!  I look forward to seeing you in June in San Francisco (June 24-28)!   Register today for the Designer and IP track badge. 

#55DAC: Must-see DAC technical sessions this June in San Francisco

Thursday, April 26th, 2018

By Valeria Bertacco, 55th DAC Conference Program Chair


This June at DAC, we will have the opportunity to discuss and learn about key topics that are emerging in the system design and automation community.


To start, we have the challenge of designing at the end of silicon scaling and beyond: devices, design complexity and verification. On Monday, there will be a tutorial on designing at advanced technology nodes, followed by an invited session on the same topic on Tuesday in the Designer Track.


We will also begin to discuss modern challenges in verification in the face of today’s design complexities. This hot topic will pick up throughout the week with panels, special sessions and reviewed paper presentations, ranging from automating away the complexity of the design process (“the road to no human in the loop” on Tuesday), design productivity (“design productivity in SoC,”  “mind the gap”), verification challenges (“black art of verification”) and new emerging devices (“the zoo of emerging devices”) to design tomorrow’s computing systems.


For those of you  interested in emerging storage and storage technologies, there is also abundant coverage:  From solid-state storage devices (“how solid is your storage,” “solid ideas”), to the storage-centric system solutions (“memory-centric architectures,” “emerging storage,” “memory that never forgets”), complemented by a thorough discussion of the leeway of approximation techniques, in particular in relation to their impact on storage, system reliability and application accuracy (“watch your bits,” “good enough is enough”).


For the researchers, both from industry and academia, we will have a two-hours panel on research funding. Wednesday after lunch we can discuss trends and directions in funding with a slate of panelists from around the globe. This topic is becoming a strong DAC tradition, in light of the interest it has attracted in the recent past.


Moreover, this year at DAC we will begin the conversation about diversity in our industry: what is its value, how do we attain a diverse work environment and what changes do we need to pursue for it to be effective. This discussion will start with an all-day Monday tutorial and will continue with a panel on Wednesday afternoon (“making your team high performing,” “diverse engineering teams are better”).


And then, we have of course the two topics that have been gaining the strongest momentum in the past few DAC events: security and deep learning. On the security front, the program offers two tutorials on “IoT security” and “verification for security.” Once we have built the background knowledge, the program offers multiple sessions each day, discussing software and hardware security, ranging from “best practices” in the designer track, to innovative solutions, both at the architectural and logic levels, in the context of general and embedded systems, particularly the highly exposed IoT world.


As you probably guessed, deep learning is pervasive throughout the program, and I cannot even begin to list all the sessions that tackle this topic. Just know that we will offer several research presentations, invited sessions and panels, both in the research and designer/IP tracks, presenting how to design for deep learning application systems, and how to leverage deep learning in our design processes; deep learning for security and security in deep learning applications. If you are not a deep learning expert, I strongly recommend the broad offering of tutorials (“ML for EDA,” “ML in IoT,” “data science for verification”) to get you up to speed by Monday night.


As you can see, it’s a packed conference program! I hope you will enjoy it, and find some time for the always important networking, too — at the sessions or at the research lounge. I will be there, walking the hallways and attending the talks, and I am very much looking forward to reconnect with old friends and meet the new faces of DAC!


#DAC55 3: Last Call for Designer and IP Track presentations for 2018 event in San Francisco

Friday, January 19th, 2018

One of the most popular part of Design Automation Conference needs you! The Designer and IP tracks are open for submissions and you have until Jan. 23 to send in your abstracts.

These sessions are where industry experts discuss different tools, flows, and methodologies that will help you and your design team. In addition, they provide excellent opportunities for education and networking between end users and tool developers.

I’ve been to many of these sessions in recent years, and if attendance is any indication, they’ve become valuable parts of the DAC program. Mac McNamara, my predecessor as General Chair last year, compared design to putting socks on a chicken, but I can say from sitting in on several sessions that it can be done!

The Designer and IP track presentations are intended to be free of marketing and sales pitches and tuned to the needs of today’s designers. That’s a key reason they’ve become so popular. Not only will your work receive a lot of attention from fellow designers and tool users but the submission process is extremely easy.

All you need to do to is to submit a 100-word description of your presentation with six slides. Yes, you did read correctly – six slides and 100 words.  If it’s accepted you can begin to educate the 2018 attendees how to put socks on those chickens!

This year’s Designer Track and IP Track will include presentations, poster sessions and a rich set of invited talks/panels for information exchange and interactions.

The DAC Designer Track brings together IC designers, embedded software and system developers, automotive electronics engineers, security experts, engineering managers, and verification engineers from across the globe. Past presenters have included AMD, ARM, Bosch, BMW, Cadence, Delphi, GM, and more.

Leading the Designer track committee is Chair Zhuo Li from Cadence. Zhuo has been a member of the DAC Executive Committee for several years and has experience in leading the Designer Track program.  Zhuo is joined by designer track Vice Chairs Robert Oshana from Qualcomm/NXP and Renu Mehra from Synopsys. Rounding out the excellent team are subcommittee chairs that come from companies such as Global Foundries, AMD, Intel, NXP and Analog Devices. A complete list can be found here.

The IP track this year is chaired by Ty Garbere, here in the Silicon Valley. Ty is new to the Executive Committee but not new to IP.  Ty and his team stretches from the Austin, Texas, to the Bay Area to Marseille, France (see all the names and affiliations here).


As part of our outreach to attendees for these tracks, we like to say there is no better way to improve your “Design and IP IQ” in such a short amount of time. To help improve that IQ, submit your proposed presentations today! And remember to visit the for updates as we head into the final months of planning for 2018.


#55DAC 2: Teams tackle deep learning in DAC design contest

Wednesday, December 13th, 2017


When it comes to tackling leading-edge design challenges in fun ways, there’s no better place than DAC. For DAC 2018, we’ve created a System Design Contest targeting machine learning on embedded hardware.

If you think this is too leading edge for a design contest, you’d be mistaken: More than 100 teams registered for the contest. You can find a full list of the teams here:

So how does the contest work:

Teams had the choice of using a Xilinx PynQ-Z1 FPGA-based development system or an NVIDIA Jetson TX2 development system, as well as software and deep-learning tools kits. Xilinx and NVIDIA donated boards to support the efforts.

Drone maker DJI donated a data-set that included more than 100 video clips with full annotation of the bounding box for the tracking object (a person or car).

The teams built either FPGA- or GPU-based systems to track people and vehicles from consumer drones using deep learning methods running on advanced embedded systems platforms. A hidden dataset is used to evaluate the performance of the designs in terms of accuracy and power consumption.


Introducing the 55th DAC General Chair – Dr. Sharon Hu

Thursday, November 2nd, 2017

My first time attending DAC was in 1991, and I am so excited to be serving as the General Chair for the 55th annual conference this June. Coming from academia and meeting new people in the industry sector who have been involved with DAC for years, I thought this to be good opportunity to introduce myself to the entire community.

I got my start in engineering as an undergraduate student. Both of my parents were engineers and encouraged me to pursue engineering as well. I studied electrical engineering and came to like it very much. Before making the jump into academia, I worked at the General Motors Research Labs for four years right after receiving my Ph.D. At that time, I was exposed to the emerging area of hardware-software co-design and really enjoyed it. Over time I began to realize that many factors in industry could constraint the choices of research projects that one can work on. When an opportunity came up, I decided to make the switch to academia. Currently, I am a computer engineering professor at the University of Norte Dame and love being able to work with students who are as interested in this field as much as I am. There is a drive for learning in these students, and I see the same passion when I attend DAC.


Now onto DAC 2018 and the task of being General Chair. We are a part of an industry that is changing and evolving, and DAC is a major part of the industry ecosystem and a large task for one person to manage as I have learned. Thankfully, I have been able to head a committee of people who are as passionate as I am. I’m proud to be working with such a talented and diverse group of volunteers from academia and industry that span many sectors including electronic design automation (EDA), design, embedded systems, intellectual property (IP) and semiconductors. You may be hearing from some of these folks over the next 10 months as we plan the overall program, so please take a look and welcome the 2018 Executive Committee (EC):


The EC has a team building ritual during the first onsite planning meeting that is held each September. This year’s event was hosted by Cozy Meals in San Francisco.  It was a wonderful night of getting to know each other by cooking together and sharing our culinary experiences. As I hoped we would, this group enjoyed the evening and shared many stories and laughter.




There are a number of things that I really like about DAC, but towards the top of that list is the format of the conference. There aren’t many places where research, learning sessions, and exhibitions co-exist. DAC’s wide range allows me to hear cutting-edge research results on a diverse set of topics while being able to interact with friends and colleagues from all over the world.


And speaking of topics, I’m very excited to have worked with the EC in expanding DAC’s topic areas for 2018.  DAC has a perception in the industry to be an EDA software and chip design conference when in reality over the years DAC has grown its focus from chips to systems.  This year’s topics, which will be incorporated in all aspects of the conference, will focus on

  • Traditional EDA
  • Design
  • Automotive software
  • Embedded systems and software
  • Machine learning/AI
  • IP
  • Security/privacy


I encourage everyone to look closer at DAC’s call for contributions to understand how the conference has evolved over the past 55 years and see where you can be part of this expanding and educational event.  The call for contributions is now open and we are looking forward to receiving submissions for regular research papers, special sessions, panels, tutorials and workshops. The deadline is November 21.  Along with the research focused submissions, the Designer and IP Track submissions are open with a submission deadline of February 3, 2018.


As you can see, each year there are more opportunities to learn and keep up with the industry as it changes, this is another part of DAC that is so special. With the help of the EC, exhibitors, and attendees this year has the potential to be the best DAC yet.


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