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Harry Foster
Harry Foster
Chief Scientist Verification at Mentor, A Siemens Business "Design Verification Technology" division. Co-Founder and Executive Editor of the Verification Academy. Prior to Mentor, Harry was Chief Methodologist at Jasper Design Automation's and prior to that Chief Architect at Verplex Systems'. He … More »

The 58th DAC online program is now live—and worth the wait!

August 7th, 2021 by Harry Foster

We did it! After over a year’s worth of hard work the DAC Executive Committee finally released the 58th DAC program! And in spite of a mountain of challenges and hurdles we encountered along the way this past year I couldn’t be prouder of the entire team involved in this major milestone.

We started planning the 58th DAC a little over a year ago, and we were confronted with a lot of uncertainty on what to expect for the coming year. Would submissions be down? Would we be able to find inspiring technical speakers to participate in a live event? But we did it!

Not only did we have another record year in terms of research paper submissions, but we also experienced a record year in terms of industry focused Designer, IP, and Embedded Systems track submissions.

For this year’s program we reviewed 914 submitted research manuscripts and then accepted 215 for presentations and publication. In addition, we reviewed 199 industry focused submissions and then accepted 70 for presentation.
We have also lined up an amazing group of keynote speakers that will cover a diverse set of topics, ranging from AI and machine learning, GPU acceleration, human and machine interactions, and the design of 3D silicon brains.

There is really a lot of technical content available to you this year. Something for everyone. For example:
• 4 Keynote Speakers
• 3 SKYTalks (Short Keynotes)
• 3 Industry Analysis Reviews
• 3 DAC Pavilion Invited TechTalks
• 4 DAC Pavilion Panels
• 32 Special Session Invited Research Talks
• 5 Research Panels
• 215 Research Manuscript Talks
• 10 Late Breaking Result Posters
• 66 Work-in-Progress Submissions
• 10 Tutorials
• 3 Workshops
• 70 Designer, IP, and Embedded Systems Talks
• 93 Designer, IP, and Embedded Systems Posters
• 4 Training Day Sessions
• Design on Cloud Presentations

But that’s not all! I am thrilled to announce that for the first time the Design Automation Conference will co-locate with both the RISC-V Summit and SEMICON West.

Be sure to mark your calendars. Registration opens for the 58th DAC on September 7th, and DAC will be held live at Moscone West in San Francisco on December 5-9, 2021. Be sure to check out for more information!

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