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Ambar Sarkar
Ambar Sarkar
Designer/IP Program Chair

#DAC58, 2: Countdown to the Designer, IP and Embedded Track Submission Deadline for DAC 2021

December 4th, 2020 by Ambar Sarkar

The Designer and IP tracks have been a vital part of the DAC program since 2010, and I am honored to chair the Designer, IP and Embedded tracks for the 58th DAC. The Embedded track was added to the program last year to highlight this growing topic area in the design community.

Putting on DAC is a huge undertaking, and much of the work involved is done by volunteers from industry and academia. Each track contains submitted work as well as special invited sessions. The Designer, IP and Embedded tracks are co-chaired by Natarajan Viswanathan of Cadence Design, Monica Farkash of AMD, Randy Fish of Synopsys and Mark Kraeling of GE Transportation. Each track also has its own subcommittees to review and plan the year’s program. You can see who’s who on the DAC Executive Committee here.

DAC is considered one of the top global technical and research conferences. The work presented at DAC is often cited and the concepts presented are used broadly in the semiconductor and EDA ecosystems to invent tomorrow.  Countless authors are considered the leading lights in their fields. You could add your name to that list!

The Designer, IP and Embedded tracks provide an opportunity for the design community to present their work and to share the prestigious spotlight at DAC with the traditional Research track.  Here, there’s an important difference between the Research track and the Designer, IP and Embedded tracks when it comes to submissions. Submitting a technical paper to the DAC Research track takes a fair amount of work. The final submission includes a technical manuscript and a presentation, with peer-review vetting along the way. A submission to the Designer, IP and Embedded tracks requires an abstract of approximately 100 words and up to six PowerPoint slides.  The submission deadline is also much later than the Research track, giving the design community more time to craft their submissions and gain approvals from partners and customers.  In spite of the simpler process, the work presented at these tracks is rigorously peer-reviewed by several domain experts and receives a lot of attention due to the very high quality of technical content.

In 2020, overall submissions to the Designer and IP tracks rose 15%, continuing a steady three-year rise: 160 paper submissions in 2018, 170 in 2019 and 197 in 2020. This blog post will provide more information on the 2020 Designer and IP track submission trends.  I am confident we will continue to see a rise in submissions in these tracks.

If you’re proud of something you’ve worked on this past year with a customer or internally at your company, I encourage you to submit to any of these three tracks. The submission work is not unreasonable, and the reward is significant.

Submissions to these tracks are open now.  The deadline for submission is January 20, 2021. Think about what you’d like to present and submit a proposal before the holidays. You’ll be notified of acceptance between March 10-18, 2021. There are clear instructions on how to submit your work on the DAC website, including a detailed outline for how to develop your six slides. Past companies who presented are also shown there. It’s quite an impressive list.  You want to be on that list. Here are the links:

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