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Posts Tagged ‘SSD’

Intel Poised to Shape the Future of Memory and Storage with Optane + QLC

Wednesday, August 8th, 2018

Intel outlines vision for reimagining memory and storage with Optane + QLC. Intel is reimagining the memory-and-storage market and igniting a new era of computing with a combination of two unique memory technologies in memory and storage solutions no one in the industry currently offers: Intel® Optane™ and Intel® QLC 3D NAND.


Intel is reimagining the memory-and-storage market and igniting a new era of computing with the combination of Intel Optane and Intel QLC 3D NAND technologies. (Credit: Peter Belanger Photography)

“Intel Optane and 3D NAND technologies ensure computer and storage architects and developers can access vital data where and when they need it. The two technologies bridge the wide gap that exists between data that’s being worked on and data that’s waiting to be accessed.”
– Rob Crooke, senior vice president and general manager of the Non-Volatile Memory Solutions Group at Intel

Why It’s Important: The combination of Intel Optane and Intel QLC 3D NAND technologies allows customers to accelerate the speed of their most frequently accessed data, while utilizing the value flash technology delivers over HDDs for massive capacity storage. Intel’s aim is to break bottlenecks and deliver better solutions to unleash the value of data.

How It’s Used: Optane has already had an impact throughout the world. Here are a few examples:

  • Intel Optane SSDs integrated into IBM Cloud’s bare metal servers have enabled up to 7.5 times improvement — especially for applications that have high write-intensive operations.
  • Using Intel Optane Technology, the University of Pisa has reduced MRI scan times from 42 minutes to 4 minutes.
  • Intel Optane has enabled IFLYTEK, a Chinese information technology company, to enable faster voice and facial recognition services.

Intel’s QLC 3D NAND products announced today at Flash Memory Summit deliver new memory and storage solutions: Tencent, employing the new QLC PCIe Intel® SSD D5-P4320 in an initial production environment, increased by 10 times the number of customers served on a per-system basis.


Reimagining the Data Center Memory and Storage Hierarchy

Wednesday, May 30th, 2018

Intel Optane DC Persistent Memory Represents a New Class of Memory and Storage Technology Architected to Extract Further Value from Data

Lisa Spelman

By Lisa Spelman

We’ve all heard about escalating mountains of data – and yes, there is a tremendous amount of data generated daily that must be stored, secured and organized. More interesting than the amount of data is the value it represents. Value that comes from analysis and the resulting insights. Data may store the next great business opportunity, societal advancement or scientific discovery.

While we’ve made great progress as an industry in providing the infrastructure, tools and best practices to drive this analysis, limitations are also emerging. Not only is the volume and variety of data growing, but the velocity of desired insights is accelerating. To really tap into all of this data, we must remove the bottlenecks that restrict its flow and readiness for processing.

Today, we’re sharing the first in-depth look at how Intel is reimagining the memory and storage hierarchy for application developers and data solution providers with the upcoming introduction of Intel® Optane™ DC persistent memory. Intel Optane DC persistent memory represents a new class of memory and storage technology architected specifically for data center usage. One that we believe fundamentally breaks through some of the constricting methods for using data that have governed computing for more than 50 years.


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