What’s New: Intel today released the Intel® Saffron™ AI Quality and Maintenance Decision Support Suite – a suite of artificial intelligence (AI)-powered software applications using associative memory learning and reasoning to facilitate faster issue resolution.
“Customers including Accenture, a major aircraft manufacturing company and even Intel are already receiving tremendous value from Intel Saffron AI software. It digs into disparate data sources to surface customers’ best practices, providing them with the meaningful insights needed to resolve issues faster.”
– Gayle Sheppard, vice president and general manager of Saffron AI Group at Intel
What It Includes: The Intel Saffron AI Quality and Maintenance Decision Support Suite is comprised of two software applications:
- Similarity Advisor finds the closest match to the issue under review, across both resolved and open cases, identifying paths to resolution from previous cases and surfacing duplicates to reduce backlogs.
- Classification Advisor automatically classifies work issues into pre-set categories, regulator mandated or self-defined, speeding up and increasing reporting accuracy while improving operations planning.
One Use Case: Accenture*, a global professional services company, is already using Intel Saffron AI to help clients resolve issues faster and reduce wasted efforts in product testing and defect resolution.