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 Bridging the Frontier
Bob Smith, Executive Director
Bob Smith, Executive Director
Bob Smith is Executive Director of the ESD Alliance responsible for its management and operations. Previously, Bob was senior vice president of Marketing and Business Development at Uniquify, responsible for brand development, positioning, strategy and business development activities. Bob began his … More »

PDF Solutions’ John Kibarian on Bringing Semiconductor Manufacturing and Design Closer

November 4th, 2024 by Bob Smith, Executive Director
My bylined blog post below with John Kibarian of PDF Solutions originally appeared on the SEMI website.
John Kibarian, CEO and founder of PDF Solutions and a member of the ESD Alliance (ESDA) Governing Council, is a keen observer of the semiconductor ecosystem. Since PDF Solutions sits between design and manufacturing, Kibarian shared unique perspectives on both in a recent discussion.

Smith: What trends are you seeing in the semiconductor industry. Are there any that surprise you? 

Kibarian: We see several trends that have been going on for quite a while.

As much as we hear Moore’s Law is dead, there’s still a strong drive to get to advanced nodes. The benefits are harder to achieve and require more than geometry scaling, but demand for these advanced nodes continues to grow. Another emerging trend is the need for insatiable compute power in data centers to support the explosion in AI applications. In recent history, the mobile phone market has been the key driver of the push to new advanced nodes, but that is changing as the performance needs of data centers and AI applications are now driving the shift.

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Meet UCLA’s Dr. Jason Cong, 2024 Phil Kaufman Award Recipient

October 14th, 2024 by Bob Smith, Executive Director

I recently had a chance to have a fascinating and wide-ranging talk with Dr. Jason Cong from UCLA, the 2024 Phil Kaufman Award Recipient, about his contributions to FPGA design automation technology and their widespread industrial impact.

The annual Phil Kaufman Award is given by the Electronic System Design Alliance (ESD Alliance), a SEMI technology community, and the Council on Electronic Design Automation (CEDA) of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). Honors individuals for their distinguished contributions to the Electronic System Design industry.

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Electronic System Design Industry Posts $4.7 Billion in Revenue in Q2 2024

October 7th, 2024 by Paul Cohen

The Electronic System Design (ESD) industry posted another strong quarter with substantial revenue growth in Q2 2024, according to the latest Electronic Design Market Data (EDMD) report from the ESD Alliance, a SEMI Technology Community.

Revenue increased 18.2% to $4,685.5 million in the second quarter from $3,962.7 million registered in 2023’s second quarter. The four-quarter moving average comparing the most recent four quarters to the prior four rose 18%.

All product categories reported increases with IC Physical Design and Verification, Semiconductor IP, and Services posting double-digit growth. All geographic regions reported double-digit growth as well.

Companies tracked in the report employed 63,188 people globally in Q2 2024, a 6.8% jump over Q2 2023 headcount of 59,160 and up 2.5% compared to Q1 2024.

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Wojciech P. Maly Inducted into the Phil Kaufman Hall of Fame

September 24th, 2024 by Bob Smith, Executive Director

Dr. Wojciech P. Maly is our 2024 inductee into the Phil Kaufman Hall of Fame awarded posthumously to members of the industry who made major contributions but did not receive the Phil Kaufman Award during their lifetime.

Dr. Maly, a pioneer in broad spectrum research in electronic system design and distinguished professor from Carnegie Mellon University, died in 2021. Recognized for his out-of-the-box thinking in 3D IC research, Dr. Maly’s research interests focused on interfaces between VLSI design, testing and manufacturing with an emphasis on the stochastic nature of phenomena relating to these three VLSI domains. He authored, co-authored and edited numerous books, journal and conference papers, as well as patents to promote integration of design, test and manufacturing.

The Phil Kaufman Hall of Fame is co-sponsored by the Electronic System Design (ESD) Alliance, a SEMI Technology Community, and the IEEE Council on Electronic Design Automation (CEDA).

Register Today to Attend the Phil Kaufman Award Ceremony and Banquet

A reminder that The Phil Kaufman Award Ceremony and Banquet celebrating UCLA’s Dr. Jason Cong and his significant contributions to the industry will be held Wednesday, November 6, from 6:30 p.m. until 9 p.m. at Hayes Mansion in San Jose.

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The Phil Kaufman Award Ceremony and Banquet Coming in November to Hayes Mansion

September 16th, 2024 by Bob Smith, Executive Director

Please join co-hosts the ESD Alliance and IEEE Council on Electronic Design Automation (CEDA) for a night of networking, celebrating and dining as we honor Dr. Jason Cong from UCLA, our 2024 Phil Kaufman Award recipient.

Dr. Jason Cong of UCLA, the 2024 Phil Kaufman Award recipient

The Phil Kaufman Award Ceremony and Banquet will be held Wednesday, November 6, from 6:30 until 9:30pm at a new location –– Hayes Mansion in San Jose. Register today to secure early-bird pricing that ends Friday, September 27. Early-bird pricing for members is $275 and $325 for non-members. Regular pricing jumps to $300 for members and $350 for non-members. Member pricing is offered for individuals or companies that are active SEMI or IEEE members.

Registration is found on the ESD Alliance website. Corporate sponsorship opportunities are available. Contact me at for more information.

Serving as emcee for the evening is Ed Sperling, Editor in Chief of Semiconductor Engineering. The tribute presenters are Dr. David Z. Pan from the University of Texas at Austin and Rob Rutenbar of the University of Pittsburgh and the 2017 Phil Kaufman Award Recipient.

Acknowledging Dr. Jason Cong

Dr. Cong is widely recognized for his contributions to FPGA design automation technology and electronic system design education from circuit to system levels with widespread industrial impact. He serves as the Volgenau Chair for Engineering Excellence Professor at the UCLA Computer Science Department, and is a former department chair, with a joint appointment from the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department. He is the director of the Center for Domain-Specific Computing (CDSC) and director of the VLSI Architecture, Synthesis and Technology (VAST) Laboratory. Dr. Cong’s research interests include novel architectures and compilation for customizable computing, synthesis of VLSI circuits and systems and quantum computing.

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And the 2024 Phil Kaufman Award Recipient is … Dr. Jason Cong

September 9th, 2024 by Bob Smith, Executive Director

Dr. Jason Cong of UCLA, the 2024 Phil Kaufman Award recipient

Yes, Dr. Jason Cong of UCLA is the 2024 Phil Kaufman Award recipient, widely recognized for his contributions to FPGA design automation technology and electronic system design education from circuit to system levels with widespread industrial impact.

Please keep the date open for the award ceremony and banquet honoring Dr. Cong. The event will be held on the evening of Wednesday, November 6, at the Hayes Mansion in San Jose. More details will come soon from the event co-sponsors –– the Electronic System Design Alliance, a SEMI technology community, and the Council on Electronic Design Automation (CEDA) of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).

Dr. Cong serves as the Volgenau Chair for Engineering Excellence Professor at the UCLA Computer Science Department, and is a former department chair, with a joint appointment from the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department. He is the director of the Center for Domain-Specific Computing (CDSC) and director of the VLSI Architecture, Synthesis and Technology (VAST) Laboratory. Dr. Cong’s research interests include novel architectures and compilation for customizable computing, synthesis of VLSI circuits and systems and quantum computing.

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SEMICON India Adds Design/EDA Session to Program

August 21st, 2024 by Paul Cohen

Next month’s SEMICON India features a new session in the program –– Design/EDA ––to explore the march of technology in chip design and how tool vendors are evolving to equip designers with capabilities needed to create and verify next-generation chips.

The SEMICON India tagline, “Shaping the Semiconductor Future” applies as well to our part of the program that will be held Wednesday, September 11. The ESD Alliance, in cooperation with India Electronics and Semiconductor Association, built a program highlighting the chip design ecosystem’s rapid transformation as emerging processes, advanced assembly technologies and novel applications introduce new challenges in complexity, verification, power, device and supply chain security.

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An Interview with Niels Faché of Keysight on his Career from Academia to Senior EDA Executive

July 30th, 2024 by Bob Smith, Executive Director

Note: Keysight’s Niels Faché’s career has an interesting mix of academia, tech startup executive to senior management. He and I talked recently about his career and his mentors who helped him move into senior management. The blog post appeared on SEMI in June.

Niels Faché, Vice President and General Manager of the Electronic Design Automation (EDA) business at Keysight and a member of the ESD Alliance’s Governing Council, has a diversified career that took him from an academic track to a technology startup to senior management positions at Hewlett Packard, Agilent, and Keysight.

Read the rest of An Interview with Niels Faché of Keysight on his Career from Academia to Senior EDA Executive

Strong Q1 2024 Revenue Growth from Electronic System Design, Reports EDMD

July 16th, 2024 by Paul Cohen

Strong Q1 2024 Revenue Growth from Electronic System Design, Reports EDMD

Hats off once again to our Electronic System Design (ESD) industry for another quarter of -solid revenue growth.

The latest Electronic Design Market Data (EDMD) report reveals revenue increased 14.4% to $4,521.6 million in Q1 2024 from $3,951.1 million registered in Q1 2023. The four-quarter moving average rose 14.8% when matched to the most recent four quarters to the prior four.

Read the rest of Strong Q1 2024 Revenue Growth from Electronic System Design, Reports EDMD

ESD Alliance Member Companies at DAC

June 25th, 2024 by Bob Smith, Executive Director

This week, the 61st Design Automation Conference took over Moscone West in San Francisco. A variety of ESD Alliance member companies were on the exhibit floor with a handsome selection of colorful booths.

Read the rest of ESD Alliance Member Companies at DAC

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