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Archive for March 28th, 2024

Keysight to Co-Host ESD Alliance 2024 CEO Executive Outlook Featuring RISC-V Executives

Thursday, March 28th, 2024

Registration is now open for our annual CEO Executive Outlook co-hosted with Keysight Technologies that will be held Thursday, May 9, in Santa Clara, Calif.

The formal program will begin with two high-profile executives –– Calista Redmond, CEO of RISC-V International, and Patrick Little, CEO of SiFive, a RISC-V IP provider. They will address the evolving RISC-V movement and its effect on the semiconductor design ecosystem.

Immediately following their talk will be a panel of noteworthy executives who will discuss the state of the electronic system design industry and the outlook for the future. I will moderate the panel that features:

  • Dave Kelf, CEO of Breker Verification Systems
  • Aki Fujimura, CEO from D2S and a member of the ESD Alliance Governing Council
  • Niels Fache, Keysight’s VP and GM, Design and Simulation, and a member of the ESD Alliance Governing Council
  • John Kibarian, CEO of PDF Solutions and a member of the ESD Alliance Governing Council
  • Prakash Narain, CEO at Real Intent and a member of the ESD Alliance Governing Council

The in-person event will be held at Keysight (address below) beginning at 5:30 p.m. P.D.T with networking, dinner and beverages. The program starts at 6:45 p.m. and is open to ESD Alliance and SEMI members at a cost of $25. Pricing for non-members is $50 per person. Click here to register.


5301 Stevens Creek Blvd., Building 5

Santa Clara

About the ESD Alliance

For EDACafe readers unfamiliar with the ESD Alliance, a SEMI Technology Community, we represent members of the ecosystem that provides goods and services spanning the conceptualization, design, verification, manufacturing and deployment of semiconductor-based electronic systems. Our industry is essential to the global semiconductor industry as the driving force that enables new electronic systems to be conceived, designed and brought to market.

We focus on initiatives and activities that bring value to our entire industry:

  • Coordinating and amplifying the collective and regional voices of our industry.
  • Continually promoting the value our industry delivers to the global semiconductor and electronics industry.
  • Addressing and defending threats and reducing risks to our industry.
  • Achieving efficiencies for our industry.
  • Marketing the attractiveness of the design ecosystem as an ideal industry for pursuing a career.
  • Enabling networking, sharing and collaboration across our industry.

Contact me at  or Paul Cohen at if you have questions or would like information about joining us.

Engage with the ESD Alliance

ESD Alliance Bridging the Frontier blog

Twitter: @ESDAlliance



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