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 Bridging the Frontier
Bob Smith, Executive Director
Bob Smith, Executive Director
Bob Smith is Executive Director of the ESD Alliance responsible for its management and operations. Previously, Bob was senior vice president of Marketing and Business Development at Uniquify, responsible for brand development, positioning, strategy and business development activities. Bob began his … More »

Innovating for the Future! Electronic System Design –– Where Microelectronics Begin

January 27th, 2021 by Bob Smith, Executive Director

In my role as executive director of the ESD Alliance, I meet all kinds of interesting decision makers, from seasoned C-suite leaders to entrepreneurs and innovators who contribute to the greatness of our electronic system design ecosystem.

That greatness is the inspiration for a panel, “Innovating for the Future! Electronic System Design –– Where Microelectronics Begins,” during SEMI’s Technology Unites Global Summit to be held Monday-Friday, February 15-19.

Nitin Dahad

Moderator Nitin Dahad, Editor-in-Chief of and Correspondent on EE Times, will lead five panelists through a discussion on the importance of our ecosystem and its long reach throughout the global electronic products market segment. They will share their experiences on how they made their mark in the electronic system design ecosystem and describe how they are still doing so in surprising new ways.

The pre-recorded conversation is scheduled for Thursday, February 18, at 9am PST.

Those panelists are:

Rick Carlson

Dean Drako

Ted Miracco

Anna Fontanelli

Aki Fujimura

While the Electronic Systems Design ecosystem may be one of the smallest segments of the $2-trillion global electronic products market, it where it all starts. We track Moore’s Law, providing chips designers with innovations to keep it alive.

We’re still at it through new innovations in system design, automation tools and IP including chiplet assembly and 3D IC design, some breakthroughs coming from our panelists.

Other creative entrepreneurs, two of whom are panelists, use their expertise in new market segments.

Aki Fujimura and other D2S founders developed a way to better tie design to manufacturing. Cylynt, led by Ted Miracco, spun out of an analog design software company to become a leader in license compliance software. Cylynt now protects from theft the software IP of many of the best-known system design and semiconductor companies.

Dean Drako founded Drako Motors, an electric car company with a small production run of electric luxury sports cars incorporating novel electronic controls. That’s in addition to serving as CEO of IC Manage, a company that produces design data and IP management software for hardware and software development efforts.

Verific hardly needs an introduction. Its flexible licensing model to help system design startups get their first product to market, as Rick Carlson will explain. An innovative corporate culture and an emphasis on quality are why Verific’s software is in production and development use throughout the semiconductor industry. It’s also why DARPA invited Verific into its recently announced DARPA Toolbox.

And, Anna Fontanelli of Monozukuri will describe the genesis of GENIO, a holistic design environment for 2D, 2.5D and 3D multi-component systems.

I expect an engaging and entertaining discussion and invite you will tune in. We won’t have a live question and answer session due to the various time zones. Instead, a chat box will capture questions and send them to the appropriate panelist to answer.

Registration information for the full program can be found here.

To learn more about the ESD Alliance and our other programs and initiatives, visit the ESD Alliance website or contact me at

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