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 What's PR got to do with it?

Posts Tagged ‘Warren Savage’

Predictions for 2014: Warren Savage on the IoT era

Monday, February 24th, 2014


Next up in our series of predictions Warren Savage, President and CEO of IPextreme, shares with us what he sees in his crystal ball for 2014.  

“As the door closes on a successful 2013 for most companies in the semiconductor industry, the outlook for 2014 is bright as we see an explosion of new devices in the so-called “Internet of Things” era.  Google’s recent $3.2B acquisition of Nest is indicative that this market will soon eclipse the smart phone/tablet era (aka the post-PC era).  The IoT era will bring with it a range of new opportunities for semiconductor companies to exploit that are not mega-devices, but small, specialized technologies that enable opportunities in adjacent markets, like software and data analysis. There may be at least one semiconductor company that exploits this secondary and/or tertiary source of revenue. (more…)

Massingill on creating stories

Wednesday, October 23rd, 2013


My colleague Liz Massingill spoke with IPextreme CEO Warren Savage about her approach to PR, i.e., what she wants to accomplish on behalf of her clients.

The main message? It’s all about the story…the company’s story…and how Liz creates it, substantiates it, reinforces it. In the end, it’s all about putting a human face on the faceless company to give it personality, an image, a life.  An entity that customers want to do business with.

Check out the video:



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